Chapter 5

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Lucas' POV

I watched as my love slept, she was so beautiful. I felt a pang in my chest as memories of yesterday interrupted. I couldn't stand to see her upset, so I made special arrangements for Mrs. Cassidy to... live in the castle.

Tegan doesn't know my plans yet. I just hope she'll be happy again.

She began to stir so I vanished to avoid her pained eyes.


Tegan's POV

My eyes fluttered open as I moved around in Luca's ginormous bed. I realized that I had only undergarments on and I prayed, for The sake of Luca, that the maids changed me last night.

I began to wonder where he was, and if I scared him off when I practically beat him, in the car yesterday. My mind began to wander until I was on the dark topic of my mom again, and it began to rain.

A dainty knock was heard on The huge bedroom doors before me. Scurrying out of bed and around the cabinets, I slipped a shirt on my small fame. "My queen, may I enter?" A small smile spread on my face knowing exactly who it was. Carolyn, and If I was correct Maggie was very close by. "Come in!" I said cheerfully.

"Hello, Love." Carolyn said, her slight accent protruding. Smiling, I sat up, the white sheet tucked under my arms.

"Oh the suns come out, splendid." Maggie exclaimed drawing the curtains. Wasn't it just raining? "Darling" She said caressing my face. "How are you feeling?" She asked. "I'm... I'm ok." I thought out loud. "Come on, Love. Luca doesn't want you inside all day!" Carolyn said pulling the sheet from my grasp. With widening eyes and a yelp, Maggie scanned me from head to sheet-covered toe. "Miss Tegan, lets get you cleaned up!" She laughed.


I walked the grand halls of Lucas castle for the 7th time, yet every time, I noticed something new. It was absolutely beautiful! I don't know many people here in the castle since I haven't been out of the room much, but when I do see people they respectively nod, or bow. I guess they know me somehow... Maggie, Carolyn and 2 big guards followed behind me.

"Is there a library, or some type of study in here?!" I asked, looking at the intricate details in the ceiling, not paying attention to where I was walking. "Yes my lady, make a right." Maggie said easily. "Oh great!" I said.

I looked down and far away, in my line of sight was a small group of men, and a woman.  They looked... different. I unknowingly cocked my head to the side and squinted my eyes. As if we were the only ones in the great hall, I heard clearly the conversation taking place in the circle.

"No! We wait, Daren. I need to find out for sure what she is. The-" The woman's voice was cut short when the man nodded his head in my direction not-so-respectively. I'd know that look from anywhere. Tish used to look at me that way.

I could smell Luca's familiar scent and I froze. When I looked again, the group was gone and I felt something powerful near. Forgetting the weird shit that just happened, I rounded the corner, towards the Library. My mind was still on that strange group and with Maggie and Carolyn behind me I smacked into something hard. "Dammit!" i cursed, oops.

"Mind where you are walking maid!" An old and scratchy voice called out. "I looked up to see Luca standing with a short, older looking man, an angry look on his face. Uh oh, awkward. "I apologi—" I said trying to avoid Lucas eyes. "Chauncey..." Luca began with a sinister tone. "Do not ever speak to your future Queen like that again. You know the consequences.." He finished, Chauncey's collar in his large hands.

"Ye-yes, my king. Never. I'm sorry." Chauncey rambled. "Very well. We'll talk later." He said to Chauncey while maintaining eye contact with me.

Chauncey scurried off and I attempted the same, until long arms touched my waist pulling me in. "My queen." Luca started and I needed new panties. No, stop it Tegan! You're supposed to be angry.

"What." I said flatly. He quietly chuckled, his Forest green eyes dark. "Where are you going?"

"The library." I said crossing my arms.
"For what?"
"To read." Duh, you cute, tall, sexy idiot! Ugh!
"Are you still upset with me, my Queen?"
I scoffed and walked away, his scent now lingering on my clothes.

"Meet me in the garden later, babygirl." He spoke through my mind.
"Stop that!" I turned around to see he was gone. I could hear Maggie and Carolyn snickering behind me, along with the heavy boots of the guards.

"You guys can wait outside." I said, innocence laced in my tone, though my actions were devoid of it. Ok Tegan, all 13 seasons of criminal minds better atone for itself.


After hours of reading, Knee deep in different books I jumped up. "Incubi: The Immortal Heart" I read over and over. It all makes sense now! He confessed that he was immortal but he wouldn't tell me what he was. It was him, who touched me in my sleep that night, that's how he "fed". He was an Incubus.

I began to place the books back when I heard his voice once again. "Come to the garden, babygirl." He said. I sighed and hurried returning the books to the shelves.

I was no longer in the dark, I wasn't worried anymore. I was intelligent, I could connect the dots. The single thing still on my mind was his title. He was the king of them all.


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