Chapter 14

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A/N: Thanks for sticking around this long, I love you guys! ... warning: there are mentions of rape in this chapter.

"Sir, I've been scouting for 3 weeks now. There's no child."

"No child."

"Correct sir, it's just the other girl."

"Would you ever lie to me General Lee?"

"Sir, it's not like you to question my loyalty. I've always been loyal to you, I'll do whatever it takes."



Tegan's POV

After accepting the fact that- after all of my efforts-Luca had indeed found me, I drove home in the pouring rain, to Piper and Amara.

"I'm home!" I made known while throwing my keys in the little glass holder at the door. Per usual I got no reply, but I could hear her moving around in her room.

"Piper?! I'm home Babygi-sweet pea!" I announced again, still no response. "Ok. Fine." I said to myself.

"I brought food!" I screamed, as I began the countdown. "1... 2... 3" and immediately, heavy footsteps could be heard.

"Sweeeeet!" Said Amara, dragging the word out.

A hop, a skip and a jump down the short hallway, landed her in the kitchen, a ready smile on her face as she thoroughly looked around.

"Bitch, where's the food?! I swear... if you made me get out of bed for nothing, Tegan." She balled her fists and tried to be intimidating. The ready smile that once graced her face, long gone.

I laughed.

"Oops" I shrugged. "Wow." And with that she retreated back to her room, shutting the door with a slam. I laughed again and slipped my shoes off, setting them next to the island.

"Piper? Come here!" I yelled again. "Mommy, shhh I'm watching Barbie Mariposa." Walking into her room, I saw her laying on her stomach watching the Barbie movie.

"Pip pip"

"Shhhhhhh" she held her hand up.

"You know what, no one loves me in this house." I said jokingly. I was about fed up, so I walked out.

"Think think Think, Tegan." Plopping down on the couch, I began massaging my temples. Luca knew where I was and he currently had a very powerful spell book in his possession. He could do anything.

"Ok." I took a beep breath. Suspects. "Gwen from work is a little too nosy. That mom at Pipers school seems a bit off. But out of everyone, General Lee is most sketchy..." I said aloud. "Ok, we can work with this."

Without hesitation, I stood up and called the penthouse front desk services. The phone rang for a second before the hostess answered, her annoying voice blaring through the phone and into my ear. "Hello Miss Smith, what can I do for you?" She said.

"Hi, this is actually her roommate, my name is Tegan...." I waited for a response. "O-ok, Mrs. Cassidy." She sounded constipated. "Um yeah, it's Miss also!" After informing her, I then continued. "This is embarrassing," I laughed."but I'm kinda crushing on the neighbor, I wanted to know what his name was... I was hoping you could help a sister out." I faked a nervous laugh. On the other end, the call was silent.

"Hello?!" I said after a long moment of silence.

"Oh yes," she clocked back in. "my apologies. Sorry ma'am, but that information is confidential." The receptionist informed. I have a feeling someone else got to her first...

The Incubus KingOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora