Chapter 11

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Luca's POV

"Jack Frost has her..."

"Everette. Are you hearing this?" I said. I knew he was in the grand hall, I could sense him; I knew he was eavesdropping somewhere hidden.

The chair in the corner of the grand hall stood up and converted into Everette as he floated towards me. I swear I could kill him! Maggie and Carolyn stood tense to the right of me.

"General Lee" I summoned and in no time he appeared.

"My king, I will assemble our greatest warriors to retrieve our queen." General Lee spoke. "Very well, General Lee. I'm coming as well." I started confidently, knowing Maggie and Carolyn would have different opinions. "Luca, please!" Carolyn firmly exclaimed. I let her go, considering that she was like my mother. "I don't think that it's a goo-" Carolyn started, I finished. "Silence! I will find her!"

Carolyn angrily shook her head and stormed away. I snapped at her again...

"Maggie, pursue her." I pressed on while I walked in the opposite direction. "Lee. We leave tonight." General Lee nodded his head and walked away, two guards at his side.

I attempted to mind link Tegan one last time. Our connection was weak and pointless lately, but the warmth that began to circumvent my cold heart alerted me that she had indeed, received my message. "I'm coming for you Babygirl."


Tegan's POV

"Let me out asshole!" I had been screaming for hours. Jacks guards had to leave the dirty old room because I was, quote on quote "an annoying little brat". Could they blame me though, I had to pee!

Though I've never been to actual jail, I'd say this was two steps below it. The only decent thing being the food and bed. Jack insisted that I be fed well because I was "important" and I would have his babies... yuck.

Last night I heard Luca. And though it was tempting, I couldn't act differently around anyone here because they'd catch on. I was talking to myself and thinking about sandwiches way too much in here, going crazy is the term.

"Get up brat!" I heard the most annoying and ugly nut job here say dryly. "I'm no brat, but you are an ass."

"Fuck'n slut" he exclaimed, lunging towards the bars of my 5-star cage. "Ahhh!" I fake screamed doing the opposite of what he said and laying down. He huffed and looked at my body sexually. "Perv" I whispered lowly.

7 minuets later...

I was "delivered" to the throne room where Jack was. It was devilishly cold in here, my bare feet soaking in the freezing ground.

"sugarplum, - PAUSE, wtf... 'sugarplum' *gag* - it's been reported that supernaturals not of this realm have been showing up in our atmosphere... tell me you have nothing to do with that." Jack released a sinister laugh and I cringed at his chosen nickname for me.

"How would I have something to do with that when I've been locked up in your little prison for 2 weeks!" I was heated. "Don't you dare to take that tone up with me! I tolerated you before, but you shall respect your king!" I couldn't withhold the deep laugh inside of me in that moment and that's when I knew I fucked up.

My eyes widened at Jacks following actions. His body was white as he shook in anger. His fist collided with my caramel colored jaw and like a light switch, I was out.

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