Bbq? Que the Mates!

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A/N:  I can stand here (electronically that is) and try to think of an excuse of why I haven’t been updating this story, but I believe in being honest and I know nothing I say would make it up to those who haven’t been waiting. The truth is, I had major writers block and I found myself at a standstill when it came to this story. I lost my way and my passion for this story…until now. Nothing I can say can make it up to you, but I hope you all except my sincere apology and forgive me. I let you down, and for that I am so truly sorry. But, I promise not to do it again since this was my first story, and therefore, my first fans. (Not to mention I have something(s) special in store for you all!) Thank you for all of you who haven’t given up on me and enjoy reading this chapter!


“Cannon wait!” Jaylynn shouted, leaning over the porch railing. “Come back Cannon!”

Jaylynn swallowed against the tears that threatened to spill over her eyes as she watched her boyfriend’s wolf form run from the house and disappear into the forage.

She lifted her glossy gaze up to her best friend’s face when she felt his big, warm hand on her shoulder.

“Let him go Jay,” Luben shook his head, looking out towards the trees before tilting his head to look down at Jaylynn.

 “He just needs to cool off. C’mon” Luben tilted his head towards the house, pulling Jaylynn under his arm so it rested upon her shoulders. He swiftly swung her up into his arms to carry her over the glass on the floor due to the door breaking from Cannon’s sudden change.

I’m gonna have to fix that. Luben thought absentmindedly.

Luben continued to carry Jaylynn past the couch where Jaxision and Bobby were still sitting on, and instead gently laid her down on her bed.

Jaylynn said nothing, letting Luben pull the covers over her and just watching him as he pulled the chair close to the bed and sat down.

“Do you think he’ll stay mad at me for long?” Jaylynn whispered softly.

Luben lifted his shoulders in a shrug. “You’re his mate, he’ll forgive you. He can’t stay away from you or be mad at you for long. It will hurt him if he does.”

Luben’s eyes narrowed and a stern expression on his face as he learned forward to rest his elbows on his knees. “How could you keep something like this to yourself Jaylynn? Did you not trust me?”

Jaylynn closed her eyes, trying to close herself of to the hurt she heard laced in his voice. “I didn’t want you to worry or think I was crazy.”

Luben scoffed angrily, sitting back against the chair. “I thought you knew me better than that Jay.”

“I’m sorry” Jaylynn whispered thickly. When Luben didn’t responded, Jaylynn rolled over to her side, curling up so he couldn’t see the tears fall from her eyes. Her shoulders shook slightly from the effort to cry silently.

She heard a sigh and then felt the covers pull back and the bed sink as a weight settled in behind her. She turned so her face was buried into Luben’s shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her and held her as she cried.


“How is she?” Jaxison surprisingly asked, in concern when he saw Luben walk back into the living room.

“Sleeping.” Luben answered, throwing himself down on the couch heavily, rubbing both hands over his face.

“I never saw Cannon lose control before.” Bobby said, shaking his head, standing up and throwing the last few pieces of broken glass away.

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