Self - Esteem

674 23 12

God, look at your shoes!

I know, they are awesome right?

And your scarf is so old.

Totally. But I like it.

Why are you so stuck up?

I am so not!

You think you are better than everyone else.

I'm not. I'm just normal.

You think you are so smart.

No, I'm...I'm an idiot.

You think you are so cool.

No, I'm a total loser.

You're useless. You can't do anything right!

I can't, can I?

Who do you think you are?


You want to be an artist someday?

Yeah, I guess I do.

Don't. You wont make it.


You are so boring.

Am I?

Such a joke.

I am?

Yes, you are.

I am.

And there goes my self-esteem.

© LoveLaughTears


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