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*Rancid Sauger's POV*

I dropped the sand bag from my arms and started running in place. I was wearing a spare black jacket with a white tank top and blue jeans. My green gun was in my harness on safety, and my completely brown hair was braided differently than usual, since I gained the strength to do so. I was still very skinny, but I was strong. Not as strong as I was before, but I had a better shape. I had muscles on my arms I didn't even have before I got taken to BL/ind.

I got my tattoo redone as well as one on each of my forearms. The left one says 'The Fabulous Five Against The Fuckers' in script with all our symbols under it, and the one on my right is in memory of my team. It's our team symbol, which was a red circle with an x through it because we all agreed it was easy to draw and remember and got our message through.

I've been getting physically better, but mentally I'm a wreck. I have nightmares every night and I think it's because I'm not with my boys. I did leave them a shitty note and on a shitty timing, but I had to. I was too weak. I felt like a rag doll and everyone was babying me. So I came to my old base to train. 

I was planning on heading back today, because according to Dr.D's broadcasts they were out on a mission. I mean it has been almost two weeks. I gathered my stuff and hopped on my bike, riding towards the base.

I got halfway there when I saw the Trans-Am parked and the boys fighting Dracs. I hopped off my bike and ran towards them, sliding on my mask. I shot at three Dracs before anyone noticed me, then Kobra shot the last one down and I cleared my throat.

"Nice one." They all turned towards me.

It took a second for it to register, but once I slid my mask up they all smiled and ran towards me. I couldn't see who was who, I just saw black because of the jackets against me.

"Hi guys!" I felt them pull back and someone slap my arm.

"Why-would-you-do-that-to-us!"Ghoul said inbetween slaps. I giggled and cleared my throat again.

"I had to train, plus I got tattoos! I'll show you when we get to the base."Jet hugged me and looked at me. He looked at my eyes and pulled my cheek down a little to do something medical. He felt my pulse and looked at me.

"You got...healthy, and muscular! Most likely Stage Four I think, no?"He said, feeling my arms and the jacket. I playfully rolled my eyes and nodded. Jet pulled back and Kobra came and pushed my chest.

"Asshole."He muttered. I fake gasped and he smiled. SMILED. I hugged him and he pushed me off after a second.

Party came over to me and half smiled. He looked as if there was a mixture of sadness, anger, and relief in his eyes. He hugged me and kissed my neck in the spot I like, before biting down on it, hard. I gasped and shuddered under his touch. 

"That's for leaving me...again. You fucking promised you bitch."He said quietly in my ear.

"I'm sorry."He didn't respond but he gestured to my bike and got on the front seat.

"I learned how to ride."He said faintly, a smile barely present on his face.

"So show me you're not a cager."I said with a wink.

"We'll see you guys at the base."Party said, tipping them to leave. I never left his eyes and heard the car leave.

"How the fuck could you leave me like that?"He asked, not looking at me.

"I was-"

"No. I'm not done. I got you back from BL/ind. and we all brought you back to health and then the headaches and when you were finally normal you just got up and left!!! And now you come back to-to just fuck with me and leave me again!"

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