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*Rancid's POV*

I woke up in a hospital bed, and my ears were immediately filled with cheers, and a hand squeezing mine. I opened my eyes fully to see a bunch of killjoys in the room along with Party and Fun Ghoul. Party smiled at me wider than he ever has and grabbed my face hastily, kissing me hard. I kissed back and smiled, remembering that Korse was dead, as wolf whistles were heard.

I pulled back and looked around, hugging Fun Ghoul as the killjoys started to buzz with chatter and asking me questions, but I was only focused and staring intently at Party.

"We did it baby."He said breathless, tears in his eyes.

"Oh thank god you're okay."I said, launching myself into his arms and flinging out of the rusty bed, pain shooting through my body. I didn't care though. We took down BL/ind.

Party pulled back and placed his hand on the back of mine, pressing our foreheads together as tears slid down our faces while our smiles grew.


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