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*Rancid Sauger's POV*

I couldn't move for the life of me. All I could see was what was going on. It was like watching what was happening through a TV. Two days it was like that. Party stayed with me all day. The guys would come in too as well as Dr.D and Show Pony. Missile too of course.

Party cried twice. He always told me he loved me and never left my side. He would tell me stories about himself and Kobra. He would also tell me about what happened while I was away.

Right now he was sleeping and I was starting to get closer to the square I could see out of. All around me was the void. Black, emptiness. I'm starting to feel closer to reality. Like my vision is getting wider. Then it all goes black.

When I can see again, I see the room I'm in. I can feel myself bolt up as I gasp for air. Party shoots up and directs his head to me. I go to say something, but I start hacking continuously. I hear a pair of footsteps run over to me and Jet put his hands on my shoulders.

"Breathe Rancid breathe!"He says. I suck in air, but it only makes my throat itchier and I cough more.

"Party get her water."Party lets go of my hand and runs out of the room, coming back with a small water bottle.

Jet pours some into my mouth as I raise my hands to my throat. I splutter some out of it but once I got it down successfully, I was able to take a few deep breaths.

"Are you okay?"Party asks, squeezing my hand. I nod and he kisses me briefly because Jet was still in the room. My stomach rumbled loudly and I smiled smally, a bit embarrassed. Party giggled and smiled with his teeth.

"Here let's help you to the kitchen so you can eat. Can you walk?"Jet asked. I shrugged and swung my legs over the bed. Party was almost instantly at my side with his arm around my waist.

"This is giving me sort of nostalgic vibes."I whispered as he helped me out of the room.

"God, I missed you."He said, kissing my cheek.

"Me too, socks." I said, using the nickname he used to have as a kid. He told me it about while I was unconscious.

"You're an ass," He said quietly as he chuckled.

"But I love you." I blushed as he led me to the booth. We sat together, but Party had to help me sit up. I was in excruciating pain but I refused to let it show. I had only shown weakness once, and I got punished for it. I'll no longer do that to myself.

I turned my head to the side as I heard booming footsteps run towards me. I saw Missile running from the hall and before anyone could stop her, she was jumping on me. I whimpered in pain as she clung to me.

"Missile you can't-"Jet tried to say, but I held my hand up to stop him. I could handle a few minutes of pain for Missile Kid.

"ARE YOU FEELING BETTER?!"Missile screeched in my ear. I hugged her back as Party supported me more.

"Much better."I lied. Party knew I had lied, so he started making small circles with his thumb on my back.

"Missile, Swizzle's gotta eat now why don't you and Kobra go play for a bit?"Missile nods and lets go of me, running off. I leaned into Party's side, no longer needing to stand strong. Jet came back with a can of Power Pup and a spoon.

"You've got balls Swizz I gotta say."He said as he opened it.

"How so?"

"Taking 12 pills a day for two weeks to save those two."I smiled and looked up at them.

"My life over all of yours. I couldn't let Ghoul become a junkie and not be strong enough to help us break out, and don't even get me started on why Missile shouldn't take those pills."Party held my hand softly as I started to eat slowly.

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