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*Sauger's Point of View*

I groaned groggily as the sun beat down on my bare arms, burning me slightly. I dragged myself into the shade of the awning I was under. I grimaced and covered myself completely. A surging pain shot through my leg as I looked down at my gunshot wound, the flashbacks making me shudder.


Just a few days ago I was so happy and playing around with my team before we got ambushed by S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W/ and a lot of Dracs. We fought them off for a little bit before Toxic got pinned against the wall.

"TOXIC!"I screamed, as she got shot in the forehead. I gasped and stopped for a minute. Then the drac lunged at me and tried to shoot me. I stole his gun and pressed in his mouth.

"THAT'S FOR MY FRIEND!" I said as I pulled the trigger twice. The drac fell to the floor and I ran over to help Makeshift. Him and I were back to back shooting dracs left and right. Until finally I no longer felt the leather onf his jacket on my back. I turned around sharply to see three shots in his stomach, each bleeding so heavily. I turned my attention to the dracs. 6 left. I easily shot three and then ran over to Star and JJ. Star dodged bullets and tried to shoot. She was good at dodging bullets but a not so good shooter. She accidentally shot JJ in the head instead of the Drac next to him and gasped. I shot two more dracs, only one left. I looked at Star who was sobbing and pointing her ray gun at her mouth. I ran towards her screaming.



"YOU DIDNT MEAN TO!"I hollered. The Drac shot me in my knee causing me to scream out in pain. I shot the last Drac square in the face and hobbled over to Star.

"Star put the gun down please. We can get through this!"

"I....I fucking shot him."She said in disbelief, her eyes filled to the brim with tears that were also streaming down her face. Then her gun went off.

"NO!"I screamed. Star, JJ, and Toxic were definitely dead. I could hear Makeshift still grunting. I ran over to him and placed my jacket on his wounds.

"N-No S-S-Sau-auger you'll b-burn up."

"Just focus on breathing Makeshift you're gonna be just fine." I said while sobbing. He was all I had left. I needed all the reassurance I could get. My best friends. My team. Dead. Gone. I snapped out of my thoughts and focused on Makeshift Beam. He was always like a big brother. We met right after BL/ind. took over and we've been mates ever since. It took awhile for him to break my walls but he did.

"S-S-Sauge-e-r go. M-move o-on a-and leave me. I'm d-deadw-weight."

"NO JACK YOU'RE ALL I HAVE LEFT!"I said, using his real name for once. He smiles and grips my hand as I sob and tell him he's going to be okay.

"Go-o-odbye Leila."He says before his hand goes limp and his eyes close. I scream in agony and hold his body tightly against mine, leaving my jacket with him.


"Hey girl!"A voice calls, interrupting my flashback. I look up to see a killjoy with blue hair...Makeshift had blue hair.

"Can I have that Drac gun?"I nodded and try to say yes but my voice barely came out as a whisper. He ran over and took the Drac gun, not even bothering to look at my current state or my wound. Asshole. He runs off saying a mere thanks and leaves me to myself. I start to cry, more tears staining my cheeks. I whimper in pain, missing Makeshift and the rest of my team a lot, passing out.

When I finally came to, the sun was rising again, which meant a day had passed. My stomach growled very loudly. For once, I actually missed the disgusting taste of Power Pup and beans. I wanted to sleep in my base, even though my bed was just my jacket sprawled out and me cuddling next to Makeshift. Not in a romantic way, but a brotherly way.

Oh how I miss my jacket. My skin is burning up even in the shade. It was like my symbol. I wouldn't dare bring it with me, not with Makeshift's blood on it. I couldn't bare to wear his blood on me. Another surging pain was in my leg , so I jerked it back to get it out of the sun.

I sat by myself, feeling myself get very weak as the hours passed. Finally when the sun started to set, I heard the faint rumble of an engine. As it got closer, I could see a blurry yellow Trans-Am with a spider design on it. I tried to move, or call for help but my body wouldn't let me. Maybe it was dehydration and I just was hallucinating this. The car jerked to a stop as it saw me and I tried to crack a smile. I could see bright red hair coming towards me as a figure stepped out of the car.

"Hey are you okay???!!"He asked, starting to run when he saw the condition I was in. I barely shook my head and he kneeled in front of me.

"Where's your jacket?! You're burning up!"

"I-It's-"I tried to say, but my voice is so hoarse my throat wont let me finish.

"You're coming with me."

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