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“How much longer?” I asked cutter while laying my head on his shoulder.

“Only about an hour.” He responded while rubbing his hand up and down my thigh.

Cutter and I are on the way to Alabama to visit his family then we are going to Florida to visit my family. I was sitting in the middle seat, as he has insisted that I was too far away on the passenger seat.

“So tell me about who I’m going to meet.” I tell Cutter because I like to know about people when I meet them to kinda know what there really like.

“I’ll tell you about my friend first.  Josh is my best friend and we have known each other since we were born. Brett is another friend and he is a major flirt and thinks he can get any girl. He'll probably try to flirt with you. Ivan is really loud and extremely funny. And then there is Alex and he can be quiet if he does not know you or in not comfortable around you but once he is he’s really nice and funny but not as funny as Ivan.”

“They all sound fun.” Then I turned up the radio and we both started to sing along.

  An hour later we were pulling up at his grandmother’s house. We walked up to the door holding hands. He knocked on the door and a short white haired lady in her sixty’s opened it.

“Cutter! I have not seen you in forever.” She grabbed him in a hug.

“Hey grandma how have you been?”

“I’ve been find I guess. Who is this pretty young lady?”

“This is my girlfriend, Sierra.” He said while wrapping his arm around my waist.

“Hi nice to meet you.” I said to her and she pulled me into a hug.

“You seem very nice. You are also very beautiful. Come on in.” she said while hugging me.

“Thank you.” I said with a smile.

We went and sat in the living room and Cutter told her about what happen while he has been in Boston and how we met. Then she made me tell her how I just moved there and our parents know each other.

We spent the rest of the day there and we decided to spend the night and then hang out with his friend the other two days we were there.

The next morning we got up around ten and went to the field that Cutter and his friends always hung out at. When we got there all of them were already there building a bonfire.

Cutter grabbed my hand as we got out of the truck and tangled our fingers together. A kid a little bit shorter than Cutter with short brown hair gave Cutter one of those man hugs.

“Hey man how you have been?” the kid asked him

“Good, good.” Cutter responded then turned to me. “Sierra this is Josh my other Best friend. Josh this is my Girlfriend, Sierra.” Saying the last part looking at Josh.

“Nice to meet ya.” I said to josh

“Nice to meet you too. So this was the girl you were telling my about? Ole Cutter finely got himself tied down.” he joked to Cutter.

“Yep. Let’s introduce you to everyone else.” Cutter pulled me to the other people and introduced me.

Brett was about six foot with Curly brown hair to his ears. Cutter was right about him flirting. He kept on flirting with me even though he knows I am Cutters girlfriend. Ivan was short with short black hair and was joking around the whole time.  Alex was short with dirty blond hair and he was quite most of the day until he got comfortable around me.

I seemed to fit right in with their group. We goofed around all day in the field and I learned that Josh’s dad owns it.  We all slept in the bed of our trucks by the fire and decided to go fishing and mudding the next day.

A few days later we pulled into Cades house where all my friend were. We always hung out there because he had a huge yard. We walked to the side if the yard when they finally spotted us. Abi ran towards me first and gave me a giant hug. Cade was second to me and gave me a big hug with a kiss on the cheek. "I missed ya sweetheart." He kinda whispered into my ear.
I know Cutter head heard him because seconds after the hug Cutter put his arm around my waist and pulled me to him possessively.

I looked up to him. “This is Abi my best girlfriend and this is Cade my other best guy friend.” I said and pointed to each of them. “Guys this is Cutter he’s my  boyfriend. We go to school together, live next door to each other and our parents went to high school together.”

They all said there hellos. Cutter is in some conversation with Cade about trucks. So they seem to be getting along pretty well.

“So, what’s new besides getting a really hot boyfriend?” Abi asked me looking over to the boys to make sure they were far enough away for them to not hear us.

“Nothing besides him, How about you?” I asked

“I got a boyfriend.”

“Who is it?” I said eager to know.

“Ish.” She said with a smile creeping on to her face.

“Are you serious?” I said starting to get happy for her. She has had a crush on him since seventh grade.

“Yep.”  I jumped up and gave her a giant hug.

“I’m so happy for you.”

Cutter and I stayed in Florida for a few days. One day we went and visited my family and the other day we all went to the mall. After that Cutter and I had to say our good byes. Cutter and cade became pretty good friends. We were leaving I decided to show Cutter my dad’s grave stone and we went to my old dance studio. I saw that the studio was opened so we stopped by there and a bunch of my friends were there giving me hugs and asking me who I was with.

On the way home Cutter and I took turns driving. We sang songs and joked the whole time back. We always seem to have a good time when were together.

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