Something you don't know

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A week has gone bye and Cutter and I are still dating and have become best friends. We are together almost all the time and sleep at each other houses. When we told our parents that we were dating our mother's started to jump up and down in excitement.

Today is Wednesday and my mom is at work and cutter had to help his dad with something at their work. School is out cause it’s almost Christmas. So I’m home alone. There is nothing good on TV, I hate Facebook and no one is on Tumblr. So you can say I’m bored out of my mind. I decide to go dance since I have not since before we moved here.

I put on my dance shorts and my sports bra. I walk down to the dance room and plug my IPod into the radio. I put the music on shuffle and started to stretch. I put on my point shoes and started doing random turns, leaps and combos. I got tired of that and put on my tap shoes.

Tap has to be my favorite type of dance and I guess I’m pretty good at it. My teacher even told me that I was one of her best tappers. Heck I was in the highest level of tap by the time I was 13. I guess I was good at dance in general I was always the youngest in all my classes by at least a year.

I started to do some of my favorite moves like toe tips, chiggy bops, and wings. I then found the music to my team dance and duet and did those dances. Then I did my favorite dance of all time. It was my tap solo to the song 5-1-5-0 By: Dierks Bentley with a few other songs mixed in there. I have the best costume ever for the dance. It’s a bright orange shirt and camo overalls with a cowboy hat. I started the dance trying to remember every step. The song finally ended and I was in my ending pose.

I heard clapping. There wasn’t clapping at the end of the song. I turn around and see cutter leaning against the door frame. “Hey, you're really good.” He told me while walking up and giving me a hug.

“Thanks, what are you doing here?”

“I came to find you. You did not answer your phone so I just came over. Can I watch?”

“Yeah you can watch. What do you want to see me do?”

He went and sat in the middle of the wall. “Whatever you want, I like watching you.” he said with a crooked grin.

I did another tap dance and then I did my point dance.

He came up to give me a kiss.

“Hey look I’m now almost your height.” I told him. When I went on my toes in my point shoes I was almost the same height as him. He was about 6’3 and I was about 5’4.

“Why didn’t you tell me you dance?”

“Well actually I don’t anymore. I danced for sixteen years in Florida. The subject never really came up.”

We walked over to the wall with all my trophies, ribbons and metals on it.

Cutter’s P.O.V

I told sierra I had to help my dad unpack boxes at his work but really I went shopping for her Christmas presents. Christmas is  really soon. I bought her a necklace with a heart and a big C on it. I also got her a few other random things.

I got back home and called sierra. I called her three or four times and she did not answer and her truck is at her house.  I wonder if something bad happened or if I did something to make her mad. I walk over to her house and knock on the door. No one answers. I wiggle the door knob and it’s unlocked so I walked in. I hear music playing. I follow the music until I see an on open door. Sierra never told me what was in that room when she gave me a tour of the house. I walk up quietly and Sierra tap dancing? I didn’t know she danced.

I leaned against is door frame and watched her. She was really good. She must have really been into it because she did not see me or hear me walk up. She did her ending pose and I started clapping. She turned around and looked at me surprised. “Hey you’re really good.” I told her while I walked up and gave her a hug.

“Thanks, what are you doing here?”

“I came to find you. You did not answer your phone so I just came over. Can I watch?”

“Yeah you can watch. What do you want to see me do?”

I went and sat down in the middle of the wall. “Whatever you want, I like watching you.”

She did another tap dance and then a dance I think what’s called point. I got up and went to give her a kiss.

“Hey look I’m now almost your height.” She told me while laughing.

“Why didn’t you tell me you dance?”

“Well actually I don’t anymore. I danced for sixteen years in Florida. The subject never really came up.”

She pulled me over to a wall with at least twenty trophies’ and a bunch if ribbon and metals. The whole time she was dancing all I could think about was how beautiful she was.

“Do you want to go get some food?” I asked her.

“Yeah where do you want to go?”

“Let’s get Bar-B-Q.  Do you care if Connor, Carson and Hunter come? They texted me earlier saying that they were bored.”

“That’s fine just let me go change.” She ran up the stairs and a few minutes later she came back with some worn out jeans, boots and a hoodie.

Sierra’s P.O.V

Cutter decided to drive. The whole way to Connor’s house cutter was holding my hand. They were all stuck at Connor’s house. When they got in I scooted over to the middle of the front seat. Carson sat next to me and Connor and Hunter sat in the back. We talked about random thing the whole time in the truck and when we were eating. After we ate we all went back to my house then we took them home.

Cutter decided to go to Hunter’s house tomorrow so that means I have time to go Christmas shopping for Cutter.

“Your house or mine?” cutter asked breaking me out of my thoughts. Every night we would sleep at one another’s houses.

We decided to sleep in my bed tonight. By the time we got home it was almost midnight so we went straight to bed.

Cutter left at eleven in the morning to go to hunters. I decided to go to Bass pro shop for Cutter and it’s my Favorite store. I bought him a new fishing pole, a rebel flag towel, camo phone case and two shirts. One shirt says “I <3 my Country girl” and the other one says “My girlfriend can out hunt you”

I Got back home and hid the presents so Cutter cannot find them. Just as I was hiding the presents I heard Cutter’s ring tone go off.

“Hey Boo.” That was my nick name for him.

“Do you want to come watch a movie?”

“I’ll be over in a minute.”

“Kay, the doors unlocked. Bye” I hung up the phone and put on some sweat pants. I walked over to the Warner’s house and straight to Cutter’s room.

We were watching the movie Footloose. I was sitting between cutters legs leaning against his chest while he was rubbing his hands up and down my thighs.

I wasn’t really paying attention to the movie I was thinking about random things. I wonder what Cade and all my friends in Florida are doing. I need to call them or text them cause I have not in a while. Christmas is in four days. I wonder what Cutter got me. If he even go me anything. Then I started thinking about us and our relationship.


“yeah Darlin’” I love his southern accent.

“I-I- I love you.”  I told him cause it was true I did love him I just never noticed it. I can never stop thinking about him.

“I love you, too Darlin’.”

“Are you just saying that because I told you I do?” I did not want him to tell me he did if he really didn’t.

“No I really do love you. I fell in love with you the first day I met you. I just never said anything because I did not want you to freak out and you never talk to me again.”

I did not know how to respond to that so I just kissed him. That ended up to us making out. We were fighting for dominant of the kiss. Of course he won but somehow I ended straddling him.

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