Dinner with the neighbors

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sorry for any spelling or grammer mistakes. it's unedited.    

My mom knocks on the door and a lady about my mom's age opens it. My mother and the lady scream and hug each other like they have known each other for years.

   "So, this is your daughter Becky?" my mom nods "Hi my name is Samantha Warner."  The lady says. A man about the same age comes up behind her. "And this is my husband Tyler but you can call him Ty." I shake their hands and then Tyler spoke.

  "She sure does look like Cole, Becky." My mother nods. How does he know my father? He's been dead for over five years.

 "How do you know who my father is?" I ask while they all stare at me.

    "We all went to high school together. Samantha was my best friend and Ty was your father's best friend and we were each other's high school sweet hearts. After high school your father and I moved to Florida to help you grandmother with the cow farm. By the time we sold the farm we had gotten married and both had kids and lost contact. They came to your father's funeral. I had no clue they lived here until I saw Samantha outside when I was coming inside so we talked for a few minutes and then now here we are." My mother said. So my mother is friend with Cutter's parents?

   "Why don't we all come inside dinners is just about ready." Ty said and we all walked inside. I was walking in the back of them while they were talking about who know what. I wonder where Cutter is or if he even knows i'm here Just then I feel a pair of strong arm wrap around my waist. I feel tingles go all through my body and I instantly knew it was Cutter.

   "Can't get enough of me can you?" he whispers huskily in my ear. It sends shivers down my spine. I just met him today and he's already doing these things to me. No boy has ever done this to me. Yeah, I have had a boyfriend but that was when I was fifteen and I never got those tingles when he touched me.

    "Ha-ha, finds out our parents know each other from high school." I tell him has he lets go of my waist and puts an arm around my shoulder.

   "You two know each other?" his mom says out of nowhere coming back into the hall.

   "Yeah kind of. We have every class together and our lockers are next to each other." Cutter says to his mom.

   "Don't forget you tried to trip me the first second I walk in school." I add playfully punching him in the arm. He just gave a sexy smirk me surprising me that he didn't make the same joke he told the lady in the office at school.

  "That's awesome, why don't we go to the dining room and eat." Samantha said pushing cutter and I in front of them. "They're going to be such a cute couple. You just wait and see" I hear Samantha whisper to my mother. I guessing I wasn't supposed to hear that. I just blushed and smiled at myself, hoping none of them saw me.

We all sat down and ate. We had steak with mashed potatoes, green beans and corn bread. Cutter sat across from me and every few minutes he would lightly kick me in the leg. I would just glare at him and he just smiled like nothing happened. That asshole.

After we finished eating we all helped clean up. Samantha, Tyler and my mom all went in the living room to catch up. While Cutter and I went up to his room not wanting to hear there talk about the good old days.

 "What do you want to do?" I ask while sitting on his bed and looking around. He has a rebel flag hanging his bed with camo sheets. A six point buck, hog and duck mounted on a different wall. And then he has a flat screen TV mounted on the other wall with a desk with a laptop on it in the corner.

 "Let's play 20 questions. You have to be completely honest, nothing off limits" He asks while plopping down on his bed next to me.

 "Okay. You go first though." I scoot over so I am now facing him.

 "Okay, um... where is your dad?" he asked me. ugh, I just knew that was gonna be one of the first questions from him.

 "He died a few years ago." I answer looking down thinking about memories.

 "Oh... Sorry I didn't mean to bring up anything touchy. It's your turn to ask a question now." He replied rubbing the back of his neck.

 "Right, did you kill all of those?" I ask point to the deer and hog.

 "Yes" he paused trying to think of something. "Have you ever had a boyfriend?"

 "Yeah, just one. Have you ever had a girlfriend?" now I'm wondering that because he brought it up.

"Yes, five and they were all mistakes." He started laughing. I'm guessing at the thoughts of them. "Are you a virgin?"

Well this just got awkward. "Yes, are you?" I reply kind of embarrassed, I wasn't waiting until marriage but I wasn't going to give it to just anyone.

"No. Are you an only child?" he asked while turning on the TV.

 "No, I have a brother. He's twenty-four." I reply. "Do you like anyone or interested in anyone?" I'm wondering cause we have been flirting with each other all day and he has been calling me beautiful.

 "Yeah I like someone but, I don't know if she likes me yet. I will find out soon though." He said while wiggling his eyebrows. What does that mean?

 "So do you want to tell me who this lucky lady is?" I ask nudging him in the side.

 "Nah. But you will know who she is soon enough. She goes to our school. And hey no cheating, it's my turn to ask the question missy." He says bumping my shoulder with his.

Gosh this boy is confusing.  Why did he say 'I will find out soon enough'  

"Did you set your eyes on anyone at school? I know it was only your first day but...." He says like his trying to hint at something.

 my mother's voice cut in before I could answer "Sierra you ready to go?"

 "Well it looks like I'm leaving. See you tomorrow , Bye Cutter" I stand up and give him a hug

 "Okay. Come park next to me in the morning at school. I'll wait by my truck for you. Bye Sweetheart" he hugs me back and sits back down on his bed.

I don't respond and walk out of his room and down the stairs. I make it to the front door where my mom and Samantha are saying their goodbyes.

 "It was nice meeting you Sierra." Samantha said while smiling at me.

"You too." I smile back and me and my mom walk out of the front door.

"You never told me he was so cute, Sierra." My mom squeals as soon as we are in our yard.

 "MOM!" I yell and start blushing.

"Sorry but it's true. We already made bets to when you two will start dating or even get married" she said all happy.

"WHAT! You guy are betting on when we start dating? Y'all are crazy I'm going to bed." I half way yell and laugh at her while walking up the stairs.

"He likes you. All three of us can see it in the way he looks at you, you'll see. Night love you." She told me while walking up the stairs. I tried to ignore what she said. He can't possibly like me. There are so many girls at our school prettier than me. Also, he said he liked some girl that I would meet soon.

I go in my room and change in to some short shorts and a tank top. I turn on the TV to Dance moms. Yeah I know I don't seem like the type of girl to be watching that show but, I used to dance back in Florida for sixteen years straight. I was actually pretty good. One of the best ones at my studio.

That reminds me I need to find my point and tap shoes. We have an extra room in the house with mirrors and special dance floor in it. When my mom bought the house she had them fix that room for something special for me because she knew I was not going to pick up dance here. So now I have my own personal dance room. Dancing helps me think sometimes when I'm having a hard time. I have always wanted to do softball or ride horses too but my mom said I could only do one and I stayed with dance.

I lay down setting the alarm on my phone for 7:00 A.M. I quickly fall asleep. Wondering what tomorrow brings.

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