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chapter two
I'd help protect you
Tuesday 23rd January 2018

"Mummy," Lyra started as the three Jones' settled onto the table with a large pizza in the centre. Olivia pulled out a few slices and placed them on Asher and Lyra's plates before turning to her daughter with a smile.

"Yes?" Asher knew he would not be interested in whatever it was that his sister had to say so tore at his pizza like he had only a few seconds to eat.

"When we watched Avengers the other night, why was the bad guy being bad if he was Thor's brother?" Lyra questioned as her brows creased her forehead. She had obviously been mulling over the question for a while as her eyes held intent confusion. Asher nearly spluttered out his pizza so that he could answer the question first, not that Olivia had any idea anyway.

"Asher!" Olivia grumbled as spitting food across the table seemed to be a common occurrence with the boy. "Finish your mouthful before you talk." The boy nodded regretfully and chewed quickly on the pizza, probably wishing he hadn't been so greedy to start with.

"Well, Lyra," He started, a goofy grin spreading across his face. "Loki isn't really Thor's brother. Do you remember when he turned blue in the first Thor film?" The boy asked and Lyra nodded slowly. The young girl always found the marvel films incredibly confusing and it was a wonder she had held this question in for so long. "Well that's because he is a frost giant. So he's actually adopted and he was really jealous that Thor was going to be king so he came here and tried to be king of earth." Asher explained but his words had stumbled out his mouth entirely too quickly.

Lyra took a while to process the information before a slow nod moved her head up and down. "Do you not think he's misunderstood?" Olivia decided to ask her son as this was a rare occasion for him to talk with pizza below his nose. Lyra frowned slightly and mouthed the word ever so slowly to herself.

"I've not made my mind up. I really like Loki but I still don't forgive him for killing all those humans in New York, even if he did save Asgard." Olivia smiled to herself as she took a bite of her pizza. She winked quickly at the boy and he giggled before digging into his own food.

"What does...What does misunderstood mean?" Lyra's sweet voice broke the quiet munching of the family.

"It means to not understand the intentions of someone. I think that Loki is actually a good guy but he just does the wrong things." Lyra let out a small 'oh' and smiled quickly to herself. She kicked her feet underneath the table quickly and leaned her head to the side.

"Now I don't feel bad for thinking Loki is good. I thought he was funny in the third Thor." Lyra said with a cute giggle and she bit into her pizza, chewing on it slowly.

"Yes, we know that. You wouldn't stop giggling all through the movie!" The mother remarked, an amused look passing across her face as Asher laughed quietly.

Olivia watched the pair of children as they giggled together about the funniest parts of the film. She ate her pizza and couldn't be happier as Lyra burst into hysterics when Asher tried to do his best impression of Hulk. The woman laughed at her children, her eyes ablaze with adoration and heart full of love.

Lyra and Asher were truly angels.


Later that evening, Olivia had settled herself down onto a sofa with a glass of white wine sat in front of her on the coffee table. The alcohol was well deserved after a tiring day of finishing and sending off her script to Sarah, who'd promised her news of it's sale in the next two weeks.

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