Perfect Imperfections •13•

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"That was not even funny though. Forreal, I was pissed." I said to Jaz.

"Oh lighten up!" She said chuckling. "It was just a joke. We are kicking butt! No lie."


"So what's the score? 1-3?" she laughed.

"I think Prince took that to the heart though." I said sighing. "He was all happy when he heard Tiay say that. Now he's all... Weird,"

"He'll be fine." Jaz said shrugging her shoulders. "He had his chance and he blew it,"

"Ray! Come here!" Somebody yelled into the room.

We walked downstairs to see YN and Ana arguing.

"But he don't want you!" YN yelled in her face.

"C'mon y'all this is just another one of their pranks." I said chuckling.

"No it's not" Tiay said shaking her head.

"Yes it is." I said. I got serious as soon as I seen everybody serious. "Right?"

"I don't think so," Jaden said.

"I can have him if I wanted to." Ana said smirking.

YN looked at her in disgust, and rolled her eyes.

"Your a hoe anyways!" Ana yelled as YN tried to walk away.

"What?" YN said turning around.

"You heard me. Roc don't want you! Your nothing but an ugly hoe." Ana smirked.

I guess that's the type of stuff that gets YN on her edge because just as Ana said that, YN sent a punch straight for her face.

"You bitch!" Ana yells pushing YN down. YN got up and punched her again.
YN pushed her on the ground, got on top of her and repeatedly punched her.

"Yo Roc! What are you doing? Get your girl." I yelled to him.

Roc went over to them and pulled YN off of Ana, and carried her upstairs.

"Well...." Prince said awkwardly. "She kinda deserved that,"

"Shut up," Ana said. "I could've beat her up. I just didn't want to hurt her."

"Mhm sure," I said laughing.

"Yeah, you might wanna go home or to a... Doctor," Jasmine said trying not to laugh.

Ana screamed and stormed out the house. Then we all started laughing.


"YN! What is wrong with you!?" Chres yelled at me.

"Why are you yelling at me? Did you hear what she called me?" I asked.

"YN, I know you better then this. You don't fight over petty shit like that! Be the bigger person, and walk away from the situation."

"Chres! I tried to walk away, but she had to just keep running her mouth. I already get bullied Chres, what? do you not want me to defend myself?" I cried out.

"I do want you to defend yourself. But not like this YN. She may have said some hurtful things. But on top of all that, you know it ain't true."

I sighed "your right,"

"Aren't I always," he chucked.

"Roc! Roc!" Jaden said busting into the room.

"What?" he asked.

"Prince just got h-hit by a car!" He yelled.

"What? Are you forreal?" I asked


We all ran downstairs to see everybody out side. Prince was lying on the side of the street.

"Oh my gosh," I said quietly, my hand covered my mouth, and tears threatened to go down my face.

"Somebody call the police! Don't just stand there!" Ariana yelled.

"I will," I said and took out my phone.

"No! Don't!" Ray said.

"Why?" I asked

"Because it's just a prank." He said smiling.

I walked over to him and punched him in the chest.

"That was horrible,"

"You don't think you saying you got raped and Jaz getting kidnapped is horrible?" He asked chuckling.

"Oh shut up," I laughed

"YN, come here," Chres said pulling my arm into the house.

"What?" I asked

"Okay, I don't know why I haven't asked you this earlier. But I like you a lot sooooo... Will you be my girlfriend." He asked smiling.

I smiled but then my smile turned to a frown.

"Why are you frowning? Does that mean no?" He asked.

"No... I just kinda though I already was," I said.

He chuckled, and pulled me into hug. "Well now it's official," he kissed me and we walked back outside.

Perfect Imperfections*Editing*Where stories live. Discover now