Perfect Imperfections •2•

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"He is so adorable," I said about Chres.

"Your acting like he a little boy," Jaz rolled her eyes.

"I'm-" I started but got interrupted by a knocking on the door.

"Come in," Tiay yelled.

The door opened revealing Chres.

"What?" Tiay snapped.

"The guys want you to come downstairs to hang out with us," he relied.

"Are you sure? Because Treyvon always told us not to come down when his friends are here,"

He nodded his head. We shrugged and followed him down the stairs to see the guys waiting for us.

"Hey," Ray greeted.

"Hey," we all replied. We sat down in the empty seats.

He smirked. "We have a question,"


"Well. If you were to date any of us, which one would you choose," he asked.

"Uhmm... Prince," Tiay answered first.

Jaz went next. "Ray," she shrugged.

"What about you Yn?" Treyvon asked.

"Uhm, I don't know,"

"Don't make me bust you out," Jaz started. After I didn't say anything she continued. "Okay, well Yn likes-"

"Okay, okay... I would choose Chres," I confessed.

They all nodded.

"What about you guys?" Tiay smirked.

Ray went first. "Jasmine," he winked at her.

"Tiay," Prince said after Ray.

"Yn," Chres and Treyvon said together.

"Jasmine," Prod shrugged.

Everybody looked at Jaden waiting for his answer.

"Ti-" he started. "Nobody,"

"We all know you was about to say Tiay," I said busting him out!"

He waved me off. "Man whatever,"


We all decided to watch a movie. Of course all the boys wanted to watch a scary movie.

Chres and I sat next to eachother on the chair. I was kinda on his lap because we both couldn't fit. He had his arms wrapped around me.
Jaz sat in the middle of Ray and Prod... Awkward... But she was closer to Ray, and he had his arm wound her shoulders, and she rested her head on his shoulder.
Tiay was sitting by Prince on the couch, but he was totally ignoring everybody. He was texting away on his phone, acting like he didn't care Tiay was next to him scared.
Jaden sat at the other end of the couch. Every once in a while he would glance over at them.

"Prince," Tiay shoved him. "Can you get off your phone,"

"I'm busy," he nudged her off.

She scoffed. She got up and moved over to Jaden.

"Can I sit with you?"

He sighed but scooched over to make more room. She sat him and he put his hand around her shoulder. Awww.

Chresanto August...

Yn is so pretty. I would make her mine, but then I'd be moving too fast. We barely know anything about eachother. I know she gets bullied a school. I think I will eventually make her mine. It will boost her confidence and her popularity. It's crazy how fast I got popular. Just because I'm cute.

"Chres!" Yn yelled interrupting of my thoughts. "Your phones ringing,"

I looked at my vibrating phone. 'Des💜' it read. Oooh shit! I forgot all about Desiree. I've been sitting here thinking about Yn, and my stupid self forgot about my actual girlfriend. I walked out the room and answered my phone.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey baby," she yelled.


"How's Cali going?" She asked.

"Good," I said. "I made some new friends,"

"Mmm, you haven't called me a lot lately," she said with attitude.

"I've been caught up with school and everything,"

"School?" She yelled. "You go to school? What happened to skipping school and having fun?"

"Des I'm down playing these childish games." I explained. "I'm out the hood now, and I need to get my life together. College is coming up soon and you gunna go there if you don't go to high school,"

"Whatever nigga. Call me when the Chicago Roc is back. Not the Cali Roc," and with that she hung up.

This girl is trippin'! How am I not the same person just because I want to get a good education?

I walked back into the front room to see Yn passed out on the couch.

"I'll take her upstairs," I volunteered.

They nodded. I picked her up bridal style and carried her to her room. It's so surprising that she has a room here... In my house! She don't have her own room though. Her and Jaz share one. But it's crazy, her side of the room is painted light blue, and Jaz's side is painted purple. There are two closets side-by-side that are filled with clothes and shoes. There is a huge flat screen tv hanging on the wall, and of course a balcony.

I laid her in her bed, and observed her. She is so beautiful. I sat on the edge of her bed and got on Instagram for the first time since I been here. I noticed a lot of pope Le from school -including Yn- followed me leaving me at 1877 followers. I looked at Yn and smirked. I climbed into the bed next to her and took a couple selfies. I posted them on Instagram with the caption saying 'Us thoooo 😳😳😘😘.. G'nigh yall✌️'

After about 5 minutes my phone started blowing up. All texts don't Desiree. Dammit! She probably saw the picture. Yn keeps distracting me from Des.

Des💜: So u cheatin on me now?
Des💜: Roc I swear mah nigga!
Des💜: I thought we was better den that!
Des💜: Who is that bitch?
Des💜: I will beat that hoes ass.
Des💜: Text me back nigga!

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