The Secrets of the Castle

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Finally some true Drarry guys. Finally your patience has rewarded. Hope you like it!

(All rights to the amazing J.K Rowling)


Draco POV

Draco had both been really proud and mad at himself when Harry really had used Gillyweed in the second tournament. All the other Slytherins had been furious about the outcome. Harry had been the last one to come back and yet he had still won over both Krum and Fleur. But Draco couldn't really see what they all were so upset about. Harry always found some way get the extra point. Why did it still come as a surprise for some people? "So Potter was too stupid to get the task, so he gets pity points? How that's fair?" Blaise asked.

Crabbe and Goyle both sat cracking knuckles angrily. Draco would bet his pride on that they didn't even get what they were talking about. Draco sighed and leaned back in the armchair he sat in. Pansy quickly came over and sat down besides of him on the floor. "Don't worry Draco we will get back on him" she said comforting.

Draco closed his eyes and shook his head. "What wrong with you?" Blaise asked irritated.

"You have been acting really weird lately".

Draco quickly looked up at him. "No I haven't".

Blaise chuckled. "Well, yes you have".

Draco growled. Pansy looked sympathetic at him. She carefully lifted her hand and brushed his hair with it. Draco quickly stood up. "I'm going to the library" he said.

He ignored the hurt face on Pansy and left Slytherins common room. There was no way he was going to the library right now. His mind was in chaos. He tried to loosen up his tie. It felt like it tried to strangle him to death. His head was warm and he could feel the stupid tears in his eyes. He fought them back and hurried down the corridors. He just hoped he wouldn't meet anyone. He had no idea where he was going. He just needed to get away. He finally stopped when he stood in a small corridor high up in the castle. It didn't look like a place where people would come. There were no classroom anywhere near, so why should people come here? Draco leaned against the wall behind him and sighed. His legs slowly gave up under him and he felt down to the floor. He folded his arms around his legs and looked down the corridor. He couldn't remember having been here before. There were almost no paintings on the walls, besides a little one of some dwarfs on his right and a big one of a fat lady in a pink dress on his left. Draco looked down. He didn't know what to do about anything. His father would be so ashamed if he knew how he felt. Draco could feel his body shake and he pressed his legs closer to his chest. He let his forehead fall down and touch his knees. How did it happen that he felt in love with Harry Potter? Why did it happen? Draco felt like hitting something. Why was he so wrong? If anyone ever found out his life would be over. Draco Malfoy, son of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, a fag. Draco could feel his sobs building up inside and he fought all he could to keep them away. He wouldn't cry. He knew it was wrong to cry. "Malfoy?" a voice suddenly asked.

Draco jumped and quickly got on his feet. He looked around like a wild animal with his eyes big. Harry stood over by the painting of the fat lady. He looked shocked. Draco quickly cleared his throat and a frown creased his forehead. "What do you want Potter?"

Inside he was dying. Why, of all people, should it be Harry Potter who came out and saw him? Harry still looked shocked. What had he just witnessed? Draco Malfoy sitting on the floor, his whole body shaking. Now standing up with glassy eyes and wild hair. "What are you doing?" he asked carefully.

"Standing" he replied. "I thought that was pretty obvious".

Harry looked at his sworn enemy. Draco looked paler than usual and even though he tried to stand casually, his eyes were everywhere else than at Harry. "Why here?" Harry pressed.

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