I know

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The beginning of Drarry everyone. It was bound to happen at some point.


Draco's POV
the next day was pure hell. As he had predicted all the school quite quickly knew about his Boggart. The Hufflepufs didn't really do anything about it, but the three other houses did not turn the opportunity down to mock him about it. Even Crabbe and Goyle had left him. Draco knew they only followed him around because he had been feared and popular, but it still hurt. People whispered about him in the hallways and yelled after him. Only Pansy and Blaise still wanted to be with him. They had even tried to talk to him about it, but he had shut them off. He didn't want to talk with anyone about it. What was there to talk about? They wouldn't understand it anyways. Draco had, never felt so alone before. He was used to having respect and people around him all the time, unless he was home of course. Now he was being tripped in hallways and his things mysteriously disappeared. He was so afraid that his father would find out about this. He would be so mad at him for loosing his reputation. Draco did the best he could to ignore everyone. To keep up his cold facade, but it became harder and harder.
What really surprised Draco though, was the lack of taunting from the golden trio. He had thought that they would be the worst, but he hadn't heard a thing. It had to be said that the only time he actually had run in to them was in their potion class this afternoon, but still, nothing. What had happened was Potter had been staring a lot. And not with judgmental eyes, no, something else Draco couldn't read. Not that it really mattered anyways.
It was the weekend after there first class with Lupin. Draco had gotten up early and left Slytherins common room before any of the other students could get to bully him. He stopped when he got out in the corridor. He didn't really know where to go. He slowly started to walk a random direction. The only thing he knew was that he couldn't take any other students right now. He needed to be left alone. He turned around and walked the opposite way. He walked up stairs and down corridors until he finally could get outside. The morning air was fresh, but not so cold yet. He started to walk down towards Hagrids hovel thing. He knew that behind it, where the forbidden forest started, was a great hiding place. It was hidden behind trees and bushes, but not actually in the forbidden area yet. He stopped surprised when he reached his destination. He wasn't the first. On a fallen tree trunk sat a tall, dark haired Gryffindor. Harry Potter was looking down at the ground with a thoughtful expression. Draco tried to turn around without the other boy noticing, of course Draco's wonderful luck wouldn't allow him that. "Malfoy? What are you doing here?"
Draco sighed and faced the Gryffindor. "I could ask you the same question. You're really brave enough to sit so close to the dementors?" Draco asked crossing his arms.
Harry chuckled silently and looked down. Draco frowned. "What's so funny?"
Harry shook his head looked back up at him. "It's just, you're so stupid Malfoy".
Draco narrowed his eyes. Harry stood up and took a step towards him. "I have seen you these last couple of days. You're miserable. It's clear that you don't get any sleep, I haven't seen you eat anything either. It's not hard guessing why" Harry said.
"If you just wants to insult me, I think I'm going to go" Draco said harshly and turned to leave, but a hand on his shoulder stopped him.
"What I'm trying to say" Harry said and turned Draco around so they could face each other "is that maybe you should try to be kinder to people" Harry finished.
Draco lifted his eyebrows. "As kind as they are to me"? He asked sarcastically.
Harry let go of the Slytherins shoulder and shrugged. "Everyone in Gryffindor, and probably also lots of them from Hufflepuf and Rawenclaw, knows how I'm being treated by my aunt and uncle, but I have never been bullied about it" he said.
Draco snorted irritated. "How you're being treated? What do you mean by that?"
Draco had a hard time believing that Harry Potter got treated bad at home. Everyone looked up at him, loved him, cared for him.
Harry looked surprised up. "You don't know?" He asked.
Draco sighed. "What do I not know?"
"My uncle and aunt hates me. They never told me that I was a wizard. I lived in a closet under the stairs the first eleven years of my life. I was treated like a servant. No one wanted to be my friend because they were scared that my cousin would come after them. He has beaten me a lot. When my uncle wanted to punish me once, he locked me in my room for days with almost no food. I was close to starving" Harry told without looking away from the other boy.
Draco looked startled. He had never heard this before. He hadn't known this. Potter without friends? Potter being beaten by his own cousin. He would never had guessed that. "I still don't get why I'm stupid" Draco said slowly.
"Because if you had treated people with more care, they would have been there for you now, not bullying you" Harry said simply.
Draco opened his mouth, but then closed it again. What was the meaning of this? Why was Potter being so weird? "And why exactly are you telling me this?" He asked angrily.
For the first time Harry looked as uncomfortable as Draco felt. "I don't know. I guess that I care, because I know how it is?"
Draco almost laughed. "Don't come here and say that you feel bad for me Potter. I know you hate me" he said.
Harry looked puzzled at the tree trunk he had been sitting on earlier. "You're right. I really don't approve of you, but I still don't think that anyone deserves this" he said.
Draco closed his eyes and sighed deeply. "You and you're stupid Gryffindor principals".
Harry looked up and chuckled. Draco didn't know what to say. He hadn't expected to have a conversation like this with Potter. And he hadn't expected to not hate it either.
They were both silent for a moment. "I'm sorry about your father" Harry suddenly said.
Draco opened his mouth to protest, but then gave up and sat down on the ground and leaned back against a tree.
"I'm sorry about you family" he mumbled.
He looked up at Harry. He looked puzzled. "What?" Draco asked.
Harry shook his head. "This was not how I had expected this conversation to go" he admitted and went over to sit down besides of the Slytherin.
"What had you expected?" He asked.
Harry chuckled slightly. "That you would hex me" he said.
"Don't give me any good ideas" Draco answered.
Harry laughed and looked up at him. Draco looked back, something had just hit him. "Wait. This was not how you had expected this conversation to go? You had planned to talk to me?" He asked surprised.
"Well... yeah" Harry said slowly and shook on his shoulders.
"I mean, I hadn't planned these exact words and that it would be here and stuff, but you know... I had thought that if I got the opportunity" he mumbled.
Draco was so confused. It gave no sense. "You Gryffindors gives no sense" he mumbled frustrated.
"We try" Harry said.
Draco shook his head and smiled. "I don't think I ever have seen you smile before" Harry mumbled.
Draco flushed crimson and turned his head to look into the emerald eyes. Harry took a deep breath and opened his mouth. "So" he said.
Draco narrowed his eyes. "So?"
"You choose to sit here with me. We're actually have a real conversation without our wands drawn. It's not very us" he said.
Draco looked away. "I know" he mumbled.
"But I kinda like it" he stated.
Harry nodded. "How bad is it?" Harry asked.
"What? Sitting here with you?" Draco asked with a little smirk.
Harry sighed. "Oh no, Malfoy is back" he said.
"No, sorry, what?" Draco asked chuckling silently.
"Your dad?" Harry asked.
Draco stiffened slightly. This was still Potter. He didn't know where he had him. But on the other hand, he already knew and apparently he was used to something pretty close to what Draco lived with. "I swear Potter, if you ever talk to anyone about this, I'm gonna-".
Harry sighed. "Yes yes, get on with it".
Draco closed his mouth and looked at the other boy for a moment before giving up. "It's... not good" he admitted.
"Does he hurt you often?" Harry asked.
Draco looked at him. Was it really true worry in the green eyes? "No, but he threatens a lot".
Harry nodded. "What about your mum?"
"Well, she kinda agrees with my father" Draco said looking down.
He winched in surprise when Harry put a hand on his knee. "If you ever need anything, just ask" Harry said.
Draco smiled sadly. "It's really kind of you Potter, but we both know that as soon as this weird, honey sweet moment is finished between us, everything will be as before right?"
"Says who?" Harry challenged.
"Well, I do" Draco spluttered.
"Why?" Harry asked.
"Because that's how it is. Why should you want to be my friend?" Draco asked.
"Why should you want to be mine?" Harry answered.
"You're really in your clever mood today" Draco growled.
"I've never said anything about wanting to be your friend" he continued.
"Well as I recall you did ask me to be friends the very first day we got here, remember?" Harry said smugly.
"Oi, but that doesn't count" Draco quickly said.
Harry smiled. "But to answer your former question; if this is the Draco Malfoy I could be friends with I would love it. As long as this really is the real you... and of course you have some apologizing to do".
"Oi! To who?" Draco exclaimed.
"Probably to most of the school, but I'm happy if you start out with Hermione" Harry said truthfully.
"Is it about the mud blood thing?" Draco asked.
Harry lifted his eyebrows. "Yeah yeah" Draco mumbled.
"But you know, Potter, I still think you're a stupid scarhead" Draco said with a smirk.
"I can live with that" Harry said smiling.
Draco shook his head. "This is really weird. I think someone has cast some kind of spell on us" Draco said.
Harry looked over at his hand that still was warming on Draco's knee. He quickly took it away and stood up. "If that's true, then let us use it while it last" he said chuckling.
Draco also stood up with confusion in his face. "Use it?"
"Ask me again" Harry said.
Draco sighed. "I'm not a bloody mind reader Potter. Ask you what?"
"To be my friend. Like in the first year" Harry said like it was obvious.
Draco chuckled and shook his head, but he lifted his hand. "Friends?" He asked.
Harry nodded and took the paler hand and shook it. "Friends" he agreed.
"Does that mean that I no longer can call you scarface?" Draco asked.
"That would be appreciated" Harry said.
Draco smiled and nodded. He suddenly felt somehow lighter. It was like a mask had been removed from his face. "You just can't stop saving people, can you?" He asked chuckling.
Harry smiled. "It's a burden".
Draco shook his head. "Bloody Gryffindor".
Harry laughed and clapped his new friend on the shoulder.


I hope it wasn't to corny. I'm doing my best in not loosing the original personality's. Often in fan fiction Draco can be very cringe when he's sad and in love so I will do my best for that not to happen, because personally I hate that. I hope people still enjoys the story. Hopefully I will update soon again.
Go follow me on Instagram: colinmorgan_fan

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