I Miss You, Asshole. - Last Day.

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  • Dedicated to To All The People Who Supported This Story!

June came way too fast.

It seemed like just yesterday I was kissing Logan, loving Logan, having sex with Logan, kissing Quinn, and crushing hard on Quinn.

I went through two boys in the same year.


"Hazel, you'll be late if you don't hurry up!"

This time, I was giving myself a ride. A few days after prom, Quinn offered to teach me how to drive. It took some time, but in the end - I had my license. *Whoop!* and it was all thanks to my wonderful new boyfriend.

I tugged the pink and white striped tank top over my head and onto my chest. I also wore blue jean shorts, flip flops, and my hair in a high ponytail. 

Today was going to be a striking ninety-nine degrees today.

Logan's black sweatshirt still stood in the corner.

Instead of crying about it, I eyed it warily, and then picked it up. It was cold and stinky from sitting on the dusty carpet since December. It had spent six whole months on the floor.

The thing didn't bring me sadness, it brought unwanted memories.

I smiled wryly at the thing and took it with me to school.

"Why do you have that?" Aiden had asked when he saw the thing.

"Yeah, it smells really bad," Josh fanned the air.

"I'm giving it back to someone," I simply replied.

I managed to avoid Mr. Z all morning. He'd say, "Shee me afther clath, Hathel," but I didn't. I'd slip out and never seen him again. Then, in 2nd hour, I got to do my mission.

Logan casually strolled into class, his hands in his pockets, and his head down.

I walked over to him as soon as he settled in with his books. He jumped when he saw me, but managed to keep his cool.

"Hi Logan," I said calmly.

"Hi," he replied.

"I have something for you."


I pull the sweatshirt he left behind from my back. I set it on his desk, watching his expression turn flat.

"This is yours."

He stayed quiet.

"I thought this would be a good time, ‘cause you know, we won't be seeing each other for the rest of our lives."

He looked up slowly, his green eyes morphing different shades.

"Why do you still have this?"

I shrug. "I just never got around to giving it to you."

"Don't tell me you slept with it," Logan smirked.

I blush bright red. "No!"

"Admit it, you're nothing without me."

Maybe back in December, but now? Hell no. I had a better guy who cared for me and genuinely loved me. "Did you ever care to think that maybe you're the one lost without me?"

With that said, I backed away and slid into my assigned seat.

He didn't talk for the whole hour.

After giving Logan his sweatshirt, I felt a weight lift from my shoulder. It was as if that sweater was holding me back from happiness. It haunted my dreams with the day I lost my virginity. Then, the thoughts stopped.

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