Chapter 17: Hotel

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Thank you for 4k reads! I honestly cannot believe it! I thought this would flop, because I wasn't sure people would be that interested. But thank you so much for taking an interest!

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Enjoy reading! x

Wednesday - 12:43 pm

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Wednesday - 12:43 pm

After checking out from the hotel I was staying at, I arrived to another one. It was cheaper and more under the radar.

"I have to go now, but tell me when you need anything," Johnny kissed my forehead and headed for the elevators.

I inserted my key card for my new room and then dragged my luggage in with me.

It was smaller compared to the one I was staying at, but it felt cozy. Johnny showed me the pictures yesterday and it looked just like it. The view was definitely better.

I should take a nap before I check out the swimming pool later. I've been having the urge to go for a swim since I wanted to go to Busan, which never happened.

(Yesterday) Tuesday - 5:38 pm

"Min Jee, can I talk to you for a moment?" Johnny asked as he excused me from the group.

We went to his bedroom to talk.

"What's up?" I comfortable sat on Jae-oppa's bed.

"Changing hotels, have you thought about it?" he sat down beside me.

"Well, yeah. Why?" I raise my eyebrow.

"I discussed with my managers and we found a hotel suitable for you," I nodded, "It's a little farther away from the dorms and SM," I look at my hands as he continued to talk, "But after moving hotels, they decided to minimize your time hanging out with other members," I look up at him.

"You mean, I can't see them whenever?" he frowned and nodded, "So basically I'll be isolated then?" he shook his head.

"That's not it. You'll still be able to hangout with them but not outside the hotel or with more than 3 members," I stare at him and I felt like I couldn't really understand the words he was saying, "You can still come to the dorm, since there's still a rule about the public not being allowed to take pictures of SM artists at their dorm. But that's it -"

"Basically I can only hangout within the hotel and dorms this time? What about SM HQ?" he scratched the back of his head, "Johnny?"

"Well ... You're not exactly not allowed, but they would appreciate it if you didn't come so often ... Min Jee, I love having you there and I -"

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