Chapter 7: Bullies

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Saturday - 9:23 am

I couldn't sleep last night after Johnny left. He offered to keep me company but I declined.

When Johnny came over he explained to me about how I had to meet with their managers to discuss things. But all I was thinking about was Mr. Lee Yong-sun and what he would say to me say.

He warned me to avoid Mark, but I didn't. It's my fault.

annoying bro: are you ready?

Me: yeah, i'm leaving the hotel now

I texted about to walk out the lobby.

"Miss Min Jee?" somebody asked and I turned to look at the voice who called me.

It was a lady, "Hello, I'm Ms. Kim, I'm the hotel's manager, I was told to fetch you," I bowed my head, "Follow me."

I did as told, but I turned my head at the exit and saw there people outside the hotel, "Are those reporters?" I asked and she nodded.

"Someone from the hotel staff leaked that you've been staying with us, I apologize on behalf of our hotel," she said as we were entering the hotel's restaurant.

"It's okay, I'm sorry for causing this," I said as we walked inside the restaurant's kitchen, "Are we going through a backdoor?"

"No need to apologize Miss Min Jee. Yes we are," she said, "There's a black van waiting," she said as she opened the door.

"Thank you," I bowed my head and walked out of the door towards the black van.

As I entered the black van, there was no one else inside besides the driver, "Miss Min Jee?" the driver asked.

"Yes," I said.

He nodded his head and we started to move. As he drove away from the hotel, I saw the crowd of reporters in front of the hotel.

They were there just to get a non-existent dating story? I've lost my faith in humanity.

We stopped at the front of SM building where there were other reporters, "Aren't we supposed to go through the back?" I asked seeing the flashes of cameras outside the van.

"I was told to bring you through the front," he said and I nodded.

A few moments later ruckus started outside the van and I saw Johnny with two security guards.

Johnny quickly opened the door and got in and shut it. The sound of camera shutters and reporters asking questions, was heard in the short moment the door was open.

"Are you ready?" he asked and I shook my head, "Don't worry I'll be with you."

"I don't know how you do this," I said and he smiled.

"It's part of the dream, now hold my hand and we'll go out together," he said offering his hand and I took it, "Keep your head low and follow my lead, okay?" I nodded.

He knocked on the door twice and the door opened.

Flashes of cameras started blinding me, "I'm with you."

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