Chapter 11: U

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*Please read the author's note at the end*
Tuesday - 10:07 am

I arrived at SM to talk to Mark. I needed to tell him how I felt about him.

But instead I was confronted by Mr. Lee Yong-sun, "NCT 127, has a busy schedule today, so it would be best if you would leave," I nodded and turned around to walk back to the elevators, "It would also be great if you don't visit again."

He just had to remind me I wasn't wanted.

I tap my foot as I waited for the elevator, "You have good rhythm," I turn to my left to see Lucas waiting with me, "Did you come here for Johnny-hyung?" he asked and I stopped tapping my foot looking at the elevator doors that opened.

"I was just about to leave," I go inside and he comes in.

"Do you have plans?" Lucas asked as I pressed the G button.

"I plan to go back to the hotel," I said and he chuckled.

"That's boring. Come on, spend time with me and the others," Lucas said as we reached the ground floor.

"Thanks for the offer but -"

"Min Jee!" Jungwoo greeted, "It's great to see you again, are you coming with us?" how could I say no when he has that angelic smile?

I haven't really hanged out with them, only saw them during their practices, it wouldn't be bad to join them, right?

"Uh, yeah Lucas invited me," I said and Lucas smiled.

I was with Lucas, Kun, Jungwoo and Ten. This will be a fun day, I hope.

1:47 pm

"I had no idea you could eat so much!" Lucas said loud and clear, "You ate for three - no four people!" Lucas put four fingers up to emphasize.

We all came from lunch and we're now walking around a rather unpopular area. They sure know how to avoid catching attention.

"I don't think Min Jee, is comfortable about you talking about how she eats," Jungwoo said and I gave him a polite smile.

I've been with them for 3 hours already and I wasn't entirely comfortable. Except for Lucas and Ten, they were pretty chill. Maybe because we switched from speaking in Korean and English, during our conversations. However, I did feel it was quite rude keeping Jungwoo and Kun out of the conversation.

"It's totally fine, I'm aware I don't look the part," I said gesturing to my body, "But I love to eat! So I don't really care if I look like I'm pigging out."

We continued to walk, until we spotted a cafe and there were advertisements for ice cream.

I was about to speak up when Lucas voice my thoughts, "Anyone care for dessert?"

"You're paying," Kun said and walked on ahead. They all walked inside, making me and Lucas the last one's to go in.

"Are we staying in or eating out?" Jungwoo asked.

"In," Ten said.

"Out," Lucas said.

"I'm in too," Jungwoo said. Lucas looked at Kun.

"Out," and so the Chinese bros stuck together.

They were now all looking at me, "Uh," I looked from Jungwoo to Lucas.

Why did I feel so much pressure to make the final decision?

"Rock, paper, scissors?" I smiled and they nodded.

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