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More Weeks passed by,Sehun is getting suspicous of a guy following him or Luhan..

But,he know that its the wolf clan who was trying to kill him..

Luhan is at the kitchen,washing the dishes.

Sehun is at the living room,Playing some games on his phone until a knock on the door could be heard..

"Sehun-ah,Could you please answer the door please?im still washing the dishes here."Luhan said.

"okay,hyung..I'll get it.."Sehun added aa he stands and walk towards the door and opened the door but he saw nothing..

He closed again the door and someone is knocking the door again..

He opened the door quickly but saw nothing again...He walked outside the house to be sure no one is pranking them..

When he turn around,Someone Covered Sehun's mouth until he feel so dizzy and fainted.

The man carry sehun to his car and drove off.

"Sehun-ah,is there someone- Sehun?"Luhan was cutted off when he saw the door wide open,when He walk towards the door,he saw a one slipper...He can tell that its sehun's slipper..

"Sehun-ah?where are you?"Luhan called..

When Sehun cant be found anywhere,Luhan could only think that sehun was kidnapped.

While with Sehun:

Sehun was tied up and he's on the floor...

When he gained his concious,he looked around at the unfamiliar place..

"Where am i?wait..Where's hyung??Hyung!!"Sehun called.

Then,a man much older than sehun showed up infront of sehun..

"Your hyung is not here..So,no one can hear your screams."the man said.

"Who are you?!why did you kidnapped me?!I want to go back!!let me go!!"Sehun shouted..

"you know whats the reason why i kidnapped you??"The man asked.

"so,you're the one who always stalks us!"Sehun answered.

"oh no no no,dont get me wrong...I dont stalk your hyung...I only stalk you!"The man said.

"Me?why?what did i do to you?!"Sehun added.

"nothing...I just laid my eyes on you.."the man said as he unbuckle his belt while walking towards him.

"please,let me go!"Sehun pleaded but the man didnt listen to him.

the man pushed him down and pinned him.

"your going to have fun today...So,Stay put and be a good boy."the man said as he take off his pants and He take off sehun's pants too..

As the man entered,Sehun arched back because of the pain he felt...

As the man raped him,tears falling from his cheeks...

"p-please,stop!i-i-it hurts!"Sehun cried.

Time Skip:

When the man is finished,he wear his pants and faced sehun..

"That was fun...but dont worry,You'll have next time if i want to.."The man said.

After that,He left Trembling sehun on the ground,still tied up..

"Hyung...Hyung...Hyung...Hyung...Hyung..."Sehun mumbles but stuttered.

While With Luhan:

Luhan called his friends...

When they  came,Luhan told what happened.

"WHAT?!HE WAS KIDNAPPED?!!"The boys shouted.

"Hey,low down your voices!yes,he was kidnapped."Luhan said.

"we should tell them to the police!"Tao added.

"and i think the kidnapper left something.."Luhan said.

"What is it?"Kris asked.

Luhan put a knife with a small scratches and its side..

"maybe the police can scan the hands who last person who used that."Baekhyun said.

"lets go to the police now."Luhan added as they left the house to go to the police station..

When they arrived,Kris is the one who explained what happened and gave the knife the kidnapper left.

"okay,sir...We'll scan this for we can see who last used this...Please,wait and sit."the policeman said.

"thank you,sir."Kris added as he goes back with the others."The policeman
Told me that he'll scan it and be back for a minute..So,lets just wait.."

"okay."Luhan said as he sat on the bench..

After a hour of waiting,The policeman came out from a room

"Mr.Wu?"The policeman called.

"Its me,sir!"Kris said As he stands up following by the others.

"the result came out and the owner of the knife is kim min jun..."the policeman added.

"can you tell where will we find him?"Luhan asked.

"we can only detect where he is when the GPS of your friend is on.."The policeman answered.

"wait,did you see Sehun's phone?"Luhan asked

The others shooked their heads.

"maybe sehun got it..Check the GPS.."Kris said.

Luhan put out his phone and check his GPS..

Luhan's phone suddenly beeped..

"Is it sehun?"Tao asked.

"Sehun's GPS are only registered to my phone..So,it must be him!"Luhan answered.

"i think its a basement a little far from here."Chen said.

"pardon me,did you already see your friend's GPS?"The policeman asked.

"Yes,sir!"Luhan answered.

"show the way and i'll take you there."The policeman said.

"Thank you,sir!"Luhan added.

they ran outside the station and get inside the police car.

Luhan Show the way..

"Dont worry,Sehun-ah..We're coming."Luhan thought.
HEllo,i hope you like thissss

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