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Luhan and his other friends search for sehun all over the place but no one found sehun..

Luhan is getting worried..

"We should rest first,hyung."Tao said."The others are tired,hyung."

"you Should go home...Thanks for helping me.."Luhan added.

"we're not going home if you didnt rest for a minute.."Kris said.

"If we're worried about sehun,We're more worried about you..you should take a rest too,hyung.."Chanyeol added.

"we know you're tired,luhan."Xiumin said.

"im sure Sehun will show up somewhere."Kyungsoo added.

"Kyungsoo hyung is right,luhan hyung.."Kai said.

Luhan sighed,"Fine.."As he walked home with the others.

While with Sehun:

Sehun,in his wolf form..He walk towards a forest where no one goes..Only wolf can go there..

"i think this is the place."Sehun thought.

He walk inside the forest...

When he came through,He saw a village full of wolf hybrids..some in wolf form,some in human form..

Sehun transform into human and walked around..

He wandered around the place....While he was looking around,A little boy bumped at him..

He kneeled down and lift the boy.

"Are you okay,little boy?"Sehun asked.

"Yes,ajhusshi.."the boy answered.

"what's your name,Little boy?"Sehun asked,smiling.

"Im Mark...Whats yours,ajhusshi?"The boy answered.

"Im Sehun.."Sehun said.

"prince Sehun!"Little Mark added.

"What?"Sehun asked...He was confused..

"You're prince sehun!"Little mark answered.

Sehun put down the boy and stared at him,confused..

He continue to look around....Seeing people bowing at him..

"What's with them?"sehun thought.

A old lady approached him.

"Our prince finally came back!"the old lady cheered.

"im a prince?"Sehun asked.

"Yes,your majesty!"The old lady answered.."your family lived there!"she pointed at a castle..

"i lived there?"Sehun asked.

the old lady nodded.."Go there!so,you can meet your family!"

Sehun walked towards the castle..

When he arrived there,He saw a guards standing each corner..

"welcome back,your majesty.."the guards greeted as they bow.

Sehun entered at the big door which it opens automatically.

He looks around until he saw a family picture..

"i think this woman and a man is my parents..And that baby...is me?"Sehun thought.

As he stare at the family picture,He Flinched when someone Spoke.

"Who are you??"The man asked..

"and how did you get here?"the woman continued.

"I uh...I-im sorry,ma'am.."Sehun apologized as he turned around.

"tell your name.."the man said.

"im sehun,Oh Sehun."Sehun introduced.

the woman covered his mouth using his hands and walk towards Sehun.

the woman caressed sehun's cheeks.

"you finally came back.."The woman said.

"the people out there telling me that im a prince.."Sehun added.

"Yes,its true...You're our lost prince.."The woman said,Tears falling from his cheeks.

"you're mom and he's my dad?"Sehun asked.

"Yes,sehun.."The woman answered.

The man walked towards them and hugged sehun and the woman...

"welcome back,son.."The man said.

"Mom..Dad.."Sehun mumbles.

"its been a long time..."The woman said.

"we search and search and now,you're here..With us.."The man added.

"im glad that i found my mom and my dad."sehun said as he hugged them..

"did someone take care of you or you survived alone?"The man Asked.

"someone take care of me,dad."Sehun answered.

"she or he should be honored!to take care of the wolf's prince!"The man said.

"come on,sehun..You should take a rest for now..I know its beem a long journey to you.."the woman added.

"okay,mom.."Sehun said.

"i'll assist you to your room.."the man added..

The man assisted sehun to his room..

"Here's your room...Sleep for now,okay?"The man said."we'll be having dinner tonight."

"okay,dad."Sehun added.

Sehun's dad left...Sehun jumped on his king size bed.

He cover himself using a blanket...

He was thinking of someone until he fall asleep..

i hope you like this!

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