Chapter 18 - Misletoe

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Chapter 18 - Mistletoe


I couldnt help but gaze into my reflection, completly blocking out the rest of the world. I couldnt help but look at the monster I once was. Each and every time I look at myself I cant help but remember the horrible things I had done in my past; I cant help but feel as if I'm looking into the eyes of a monster. My blonde hair at this point had begun to stretch far down my back, untaimed and uncared for which would have initially driven Bellatrix insane. My eyes were not as dull as before, now they had the slightest glimmer of happiness. I know now that I am no longer just the daughter of Lord Voldemort; but I am Fallon Riddle,a 15 year old girl learning how to adapt to the world.

"You ok Fallon?" came Harrys voice, and for a moment I had comletly forgotten that I was not alone in the Room of Requirement.

"Oh yeah I'm fine Harry. Just thinking about a few things is all" I whispered back, I was too entranced by my reflection to respond properly.

"Thinking can be curse-" Harry started, until seeing my abashed expression.

"Or a blessing" he chuckled in response, then impulsively scratching at his scar.

"Well I'm glad we have that sorted. It's just, I never did like looking at my reflection. It shows all your imperfections and reveals everything about you, you know. Kind of like looking into your soul." I whispered, or so I thought.

Turns out I was a lot louder than first thought. Harry now stood before me with an empathetic expression on his face, reaching for my hands. I didn't want to pull away, I quite liked the comfort it gave.

"Don't be silly Fallon. Imperfections; what imperfections? You're beautiful. If anything, mirrors show who you truly are, and this mirror shows only beauty when you gaze into it." He replied with a small smile, as he breathed deeply as if he was nervous. I couldn't help but feel my face become hot and it could only be interpreted as embarrassment.

"What do you see when you look into it?" I asked shakily- this conversation was getting deep, especially since I didn't know how to react to such kind compliments. I had never been complimented before, and I couldn't help but blush. Blushing was such a foreign feeling.

"I see the pain he put me through. I see him, I see him everywhere." I knew instantly who Harry was talking about. It was the only person he would ever mention with so much hate and venom, and Harry was usually a pretty nice guy.

"Harry you're nothing like him. He's a monster, you're anthing but"

"Fallon I'm just like him. I see him every time I look in the mirror, every time I feel angry or-or scared. I see him and feel what he feels even when I'm dreaming. Heck, I don't even know if those are only dreams anymore. He's everywhere and I can't stop it"

"That's not the Harry I see"

He looked over at me puzzled, but still deep in a silent rage that hadn't bubbled over the edge just yet.

"I see a young man, with the world thrust on his shoulders. I see so much bravery, kindness, and forgiveness that I know he wouldn't let anything happen to those that matter most to him. He was bestowed with a massive burden that no young boy should have to bare, yet you did it because you're a good person and will become a great man. That is something Voldemort can never have, and something he can never become. You are nothing like him Harry, you're a good person and always will be".


"Don't even try to go against me Harry Potter. No buts, no ifs, no anything."

"Why am I so lucky.." He said to himself, and I could have sworn I saw his green-emerald eyes twinkle in the dimly lot room.

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