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After a very interesting car ride, the three pulled up to a building. It was a normal looking apartment building, if it wasn't for all the cop cars parked around it. Corporal Saito quickly got out of the car, opening both Sugawara and Shiro's doors. With a glance to the left Sugawara's eyes were captured by his boyfriend.

Shiro was dressed in a white dress shirt with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows, a black vest that had many zippers, designs, and chains on it. His pants were black dress slacks that were tucked into tall boots that ended a bit under his knees. He was stunning, he looked both dangerous and beautiful, and he was all Sugawara's.

With a sigh he reached up and fixed his tie, walking across the road with Corporal Saito scurrying after him. Once on the other side of the road Shiro held a hand out to Saito, making the blond male dig through the little satchel he had, while the other was offered to the silver haired male. Taking Shiro's hand Sugawara leaned back, watching at Saito put a few papers in Shiro's waiting hand.

Shiro felt across the page but sighed, sending a light glare to the blond male next to him. "Saito..." Said male perked up, looking up at the tall male. "These aren't in braille...." With a sigh the raven haired male held them out to Sugawara, to which he took them out of curiosity.

"Can you read these for me please?" Sugawara replies with a hurried 'yes', and starts to read them out loud, but before he could get the first sentence out Shiro was sent reeling back. Yelping, the silver haired male watched in shock as blood ran down Shiro's face, being wiped away before it could drip onto his clothing.

With a light sigh the raven male but a hand behind his back, offering it to Sugawara to which he grabbed it with purpose. "What are you doing here?" Peeking out from behinds the blind giants shoulder Sugawara saw what you would call the stereotypical prisoner. He was tall and buff, with a white wife beater and orange pants. He had all these tattoos, some on his face. He looked absolutely pissed off, and it seemed his anger was directed to a certain blind male.

"You never know when to stop, do you, Polizeidämon?" the inmate said, his voice rough with rage. Shiro sighed, letting go of Sugawara's hand, only to pull out a switch blade. "All right," Shiro whispered, crouching a bit to talk to Sugawara properly, "this is gonna get a bit intense, but I know what I'm doing, okay Hun?" Not waiting for a reply, the black haired male launched into action, metal flashing in the limited light.

The two of them met in the middle, the inmate holding a knife in each hand. His face was contorted into this sadistic smile, while Shiro stayed passive. The older male put more pressure behind his attack, the little switch blade threatening to bend and break. With a small tsk Shiro's face darkened, glaring at the male in front of him.

With a small shift the switch blade was sent flying, hitting the wall. Out of fear Sugawara covered his eyes, waiting for the sounds of pain, but none followed. Peeking through his fingers he saw that Shiro was holding up the prisoners arms, the knifes dropping from his hands.

With an almost bored look Shiro pulled the other male down, kneeing him in the face. With a grunt of pain the older male stumbled back, holding his fists up to protect himself. With a sigh the blind giant advanced, jabbing the other in the shoulder, kicking him in the opposite side.

The inmate stumbled a bit more, falling to his knees. "When will you give up?" Shiro spoke with exasperation, as if he was tired of fighting this guy. "I'll stop," started the older male, looking up at Shiro with an insane grin, "when you're dead!" He pulled out a gun right when Shiro moved to the side a bit, the bullet hitting him in the shoulder.

Shiro hissed in pain, Sugawara wanting to go to him, but he knew better. That guy had a gun, and he was a sitting duck. His boyfriend clutched his shoulder, but moved forward, kicking the gun out and away from the spent male. Just then a bunch of policemen and few medics rushed into the room.

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