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"Shoyo, what are you doing?" It was around 4:30 AM, and Shoyo was in the living room, putting his shoes on. "Geez Shiro!" Shoyo jumped up, turning to see that his brother was in his gym gear instead of the clothing that he had gone to bed in. "Shiro," Shoyo's voice wavered a bit, nervous about if he had figured out what he was doing, "Why are you dressed?" Shiro stretched, yawning as he did. "Where ever you go, I go." That was something that had been drilled into their heads. When Shiro first moved in their mom decided that "Where ever Shoyo goes, you go Shiro" it was to make sure Shiro was ok and safe, and not lost. Shoyo sighed, he knew there was no way he could convince Shiro to stay home, especially on a school day. Not knowing how to get around the older male's statement, Shoyo did the only thing he could think of. "Fine, but you have to keep it a secret from the captain." Shiro shrugged his shoulders, his body language telling Shoyo he wouldn't tell, most likely because he would be too tired to tell him. After tying his shoes, Shoyo stood up, grabbing his stuff, and walking out the door with Shiro by his side.

While the two boys were walking, Shiro suddenly asked "So, you, Kageyama, and Tanaka are having a 'secret morning practice'?" Shiro felt Shoyo next to him tense, just by the stiffness in the air surrounding them. "N-No way! Why w-would you think th-that?" Shiro hummed, a small smile gracing his face. The shorter boy's ability to lie was absolutely terrible.... and hilarious. "Really? Then why are you in gym gear, not the uniform?" Shiro's eyebrows were raised in fake question, sarcasm dripping from his words. There was a silence between the two until Shoyo deflated, his shoulders sagging in defeat. "Don't get so down." When Shoyo looked up he saw that Shiro was shrugging, sheepishly grinning. "You can't lie very well, and I kinda already knew." Shoyo nodded, still looking down. With a roll of his covered eyes Shiro threw his arm around his brother, pulling him close. "Geez, where's the over energetic ball of sunshine I know?" The shorter of the two rolled their eyes in response, playfully punching him in the shoulder. "Oh, Shiro, you've got a bunch of Natsu's hair clips on..." "WHAT!??!?!"

Time skip~

"Ah man," Looking over from the door the two first years saw a yawning Tanaka, " five A.M. sucks!" The male stretched as he walked forward, only to trip on Shiro, who was propped on the wall, half asleep. "Jesus, what are you doing here?!" question the bald male as he was on the ground, rubbing his side. He sat there in silence for a few seconds before lunging forward and shaking the taller male's shoulders. "HEY!! I'm talking to you!!" The two first years sweat dropped, already knowing that he wouldn't respond. Tanaka furrowed his eyebrows and shook the male rapidly, but gained no response from him. "Hinata, how does he sleep like this?!" The bald male questioned. "It's not natural!" The sunshine male sweat dropped, knowing that he wouldn't do a very good job of explaining it. "Well uh, he's asleep.... like a really really deep sleep," he started to trail off, failing to explain what was wrong with him, "like a coma almost......" Tanaka rolled his eyes and stood up, flicking Shiro's forehead. "Yeah yeah, I got that, but why?" "OH!" The other me perked up immediately, knowing g how to explain this. "If Shiro doesn't get an enough sleep he takes this medicine that puts him in a deep sleep for a while, and he took it this morning so he's not gonna get up for a few hours......." Letting out a nervous laugh Shoyo looked off to the side, scratching his cheek. "So, he is in a coma?" "Basically." Tanaka looked back at the sleeping boy, and slowly walked away. "BACK TO PRACTICE SLACKERS!" was all the only thing that rang through the gym, until the blueberry decided 'Let's start arguing' just because. So of course, the only way to do this was to get a little ball of sunshine involved! "Your brother is a freak of nature." Shoyo froze, robotically looking over his shoulder. "W-What did you say?" The taller of the two sighed, looking over at the blind male. "I said your brother was a freak of nature, hard of hearing?" The sunshine males face blanked, but there was anger in his eyes. Lunging forward, Shoyo grabbed Kageyama's shirt, pulling him down to his level. "I-I don't care what you say about me, b-but leave him out of th-this! H-he doesn't deserve th-this!" There were tears trailing down Shoyo's cheek, concerning the forgotten Tanaka. This was pure wet anger, the kind you normally can't take seriously because of the voice cracks and tears, but Shoyo looked ready for a fight, and he was, he was 100% ready to defend his brother.

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