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The next few days passed without conflict. The team practiced, Shoyo and Kageyama practiced, and Shiro did what he could without straining himself.

He was now on a pump, a small machine that held how much medicine he could take in a day that gave him the dosage throughout said day. It was weird, for whenever he would lift his arms up, his shirt would ride up, making it so they could see the little blue circle on his stomach, and little clear cord that lead to the pump clipped to his pants. (If you've ever seen one think of a insulin pump.)

The members of the volleyball team would help Shiro occasionally, giving him some advice on how to fix his technique for the things he was working on. But sadly they couldn't exactly do much because of Miyabi. The whole team had met her a few days after Shiro's accident, thoroughly shocked when they had.

It was right after practice, and the day that Shiro had gotten the pump. He was sitting against the wall, a certain silver haired male sitting next to him, as he messed with the pump, pushing buttons, pulling on the little cord, and throwing it into the air when the doors were slammed open.

Standing in them was a short blonde woman, who was wearing a light blue sun dress. With an angry expression she stomped over to the blind male, taking the little pump out of his hands. "Geez," she spoke while pressing the buttons on the pump, her eyes narrowed, " I told you not to mess with it."

Shiro rolled his eyes at the short woman, pushing his sweaty hair back out of his face. "Yeah yeah, I remember, can I have it back now? Its pulling on my side." The woman looked down, seeing that it was connected to him, and with a devilish smirk she pulled on it, getting a yelp out of the blind giant.

Standing up, he glared down at the little Russian woman. "What's the big idea! I'm not being an ass to you!" She smirked, earning praises from Tanaka and Nishinoya. "I told you not to mess with it, Mr. Know-It-All!" She taunted, making Shiro growled lightly before yanking on the cord himslef, pulling the little machine from her hands, towering over her 5 foot figure.

The blonde lady's smirk faded to a concerned expression, her hands falling to her sides. "Shiro," reaching up she gently cupped his hand with hers, "are you ok, is the medication hurting you.....?"

Shiro's eyebrow twitched before he deflated, sliding down the wall with a deep sigh. Sitting down he rubbed his face, one hand moving to pull his hair. "No, I'm just......." he sighed again, letting his head fall back and hit the wall. "I feel useless because I'm not aloud to strain my body..........."

With another small sigh he stood up, gently pushing passed the small lady, walking over to where his stuff was set down. Gathering his stuff he put on his sunglasses, flipping out his walking stick, and left.

The blonde woman groaned lightly, slightly deflating. "Damn," she rubbed her eyes, glaring at nothing in peticular.

"Um, excuse me......" Sugawara took a few steps forward, waving at the small woman in front of him. "Wh-who are you, exactly........?" The woman snapped her head to the silverette, smiling when she saw him.

"I'm that poor excuse of a man's doctor!" she chirped happily, bowing. "My name is Dr. Miyabi, its a pleasure to meet you!" Everyone sweat dropped, staring at the short woman in shock.

She had just called Shiro, someone that was in college classes and the top of said classes, a "poor excuse of a man".

"Miyabi!" Looking to the door everyone saw that Hinata was standing there, slightly puffing his cheeks out in a dissaproving manner.

The blonde laughed at his face. "What did I do this time?" She asked with an amused smile gracing her face. Hinata sighed and walked in, the others noticing that the blonde woman was shorter than him.

I'm Blind, Not GlassWhere stories live. Discover now