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Shiro's hands were still wondering, gently holding Suga against himself. The shorter of the two reached up, cuping the back of Shiro's head, trying to get closer, while gripping at the back of Shiro's shirt. Suga moaned softly into the kiss, as Shiro's cold fingers brushed over his skin, leaving him with a tingling feeling wherever he touched.

But it ended all too soon. Shiro disconnected from the kiss, one hand still cupping the others face while the other hand was under his shirt, gently brushing over his spine. The feeling made the setter shiver, but he still wanted more, he wanted to be held, loved, cherished, but when he opened his eyes he stopped the urges rushing through his pleasure hazed mind.

Shiro's face was a deep red color, and his eyes were more unfocused than normal. They had this dazed gleam in them, and along with this dopey smile he looked like a kid in a candy shop.

He leaned forward again, resting his forehead against against Sugawara's, earning a smile from the setter. For a while, they sat, enjoying each others embrace until they heard the front door slam shut. Hinata was home.

Sugawara scrambled off the bed, attempting to make himself look decent, but his kiss bruised lips gave it all away. Shoyo knocked on the door, before peeking his head inside. "Suga-senpai! Why are you-" the little ball of sunshine pauses. "Suga-senpai, what happened to your lips?!"

With a nervous laugh the setter got off the floor, blushing and rubbing the back of his neck. "I-It's nothing Hinata, I'm ok...." The orange haired male then looked to his blind companion, who's face was indifferent and blank.

With a care free shrug of his shoulders he closed the door, going back up the stairs. Sugawara let out a sigh, looking over to Shiro. His face was still indifferent and blank, or it would have been if it wasn't for the bright red hue spreading across his cheeks.

His facade shattered when the setter let out a small laugh of relief, making the taller male laugh also. Giggling, the silver haired male walked back over to the bed, sitting down next to the blind male. They sat there is comfortable silence, holding hands while Sugawara leaned against Shiro, his head on his shoulder.

It was nice, decided Shiro, a small tranquil moment in his crazy world. This was something he could and wanted to get used to.


"Oh, hey Sugawara!" With a grin, the orange haired first year moved out of the way, letting the setter in. It had been a few days since the two third years had gotten together, and they were sorta official. The only people knowing about the relationship being Hinata and, of course, Daichi.

Walking into the house Sugawara was met with loud music, loud English music. "Hinata," started the silver haired male, "what's up with the loud music?"

The orange haired male shrugged, looking over to the doorway of "the dungeon". "Shiro's on call right now, so he's getting ready."

That confused the setter. On call, what does that mean? As I'd feeling his brothers partners confusion Hinata went on.

"On call is a period of time that can last a few hours to a few days. It's baisically where he gets ready for work." With a shrug the shorter male turned, walking into the kitchen, leaving Sugawara to himself.

What did he mean by work? Like, Shiro had a job, or what? The confused 3rd year slowly edged to the couch, sitting down. Thoughts running through his head, he didn't notice Hinata had come back from the kitchen, munching on some cookies is mother made the night before.

"Suga-san? Are you okay? You look constipated." The younger asked, a slightly concerned expression gracing his face. Blushing the silver haired male waved him off, laughing nervously.

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