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The next few days were a bit boring for the silver haired setter. Shiro hadn't been coming to school for the past few days, concerning Sugawara. He knew why he wasn't at school, but he was disappointed. Shiro could be called in to work at anytime, so he didn't want to interrupt anything with having to leave.

Daichi said this was a good thing for the setter, considering he was always ogling the blind male during practice. This made it so he had to practice, and wouldn't get distracted by his boyfriend.

With a light shake of his head the setter got ready, prepared to set the ball to a certain ball of sunshine. The second his finger tips touched the ball the gym doors were slammed open, causing him to lose focus and send the ball flying in the wrong direction.

Sighing, Sugawara turned, seeing that the blind giant was standing there, a small smile on his face. He was wearing a pair of baggy sweats, and the purple sweat shirt from the first day of practice. With a small wave from the blind giant Suawara turned to look at Daichi, who only waved him off, letting him know he was free to go.

After he got his bag the silver haired male stood with Shiro, who was on the phone. Even though he had the phone pressed to his ear Sugawara could hear that whoever was on the other side was yelling. "I don't care what you are doing, all I know is that this is a suicide mission!" Shiro sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Yeah, yeah, I get that, but could you not yell, you know how sensitive my hearing is....." A almost feral growl emitted from the other side, but it was cut off by a deep sigh. "I know, just be careful, don't over do yourself before you get here....." Shiro nodded, saying goodbye before hanging up.

The two of them stood there in silence, Sugawara confused at what had just happened. "Shiro," timidly the setter put a hand on Shiros arm, drawing the attention of the blind giant, "is everything ok.....?" Shiro sighed again, running a hand through his hair. "Yeah, Miyabi's all concerned about my medicine.... and I mean, she has every right to be, but she doesn't need to call me right before work about it......." The blind male sweat dropped, pulling up his shirt. "She doesn't think this is gonna work for long....." He motioned to the pump, making Sugawara blush at the sight of Shiro's bare skin.

Trying to brush off his blush, he quickly noticed a weird look had settled on the boy's face. He seemed to be in deep thought, but Suga being Suga, he was curious to know what his lover was thinking. "Shiro," he asked again, this time with more concern than anything else," is there anything I can help with, even if it's just you talking to me?" Shiro took a deep breath, obviously thinking about his options.

With a nod he smiled, turning to look down at the silver haired setter. "Yeah, I'll tell you after work...." The two stood there is silence, good, happy silence. With light smiles they exited the school, calm and happy about everything happening in the moment, or they were until they were almost hit by a car.

With screeching tires the car stopped inches away from them, Sugawara frozen and scared for life, while Shiro stood there indifferent. "Saito, you really gotta be careful." Shiro said with a sight, pinching the bridge of his nose in irritation.

Laughing nervously a young male stepped out of the car, rubbing the back of his neck. He was of average height, blond with a bit of a baby face, only about 25, but he was wearing a officers uniform. Grinning lightly he offered his hand to Sugawara, shaking it firmly.

"I'm Saito Asahi, Shiro's driver for work and Lance Corporal." Letting go of his hand the blond male bowed, then moved to open the back seat door, Shiro getting in and closing the door behind him. Confused, the silver haired male watched at Corporal Saito opened the passenger door, motioning for him to get in. With more confusion he complied, sliding into leather seating, and then they were off.

The sound of fabric against fabric caught the silver haired males attention, making him turn to the backseat, only to see a shirtless, body painted Shiro. He was stripping, in the backseat. With a blush Sugawara continued to watch as Shiro went through this bag, only to about fall into the backseat when Corporal Saito took a sharp turn.

With a grunt Shiro pulled out a white shirt as well at a pair of black dress pants, making Sugawara realize that he was about a foot away from his nearly naked partner. With a blush he turned in his seat, trying to ignore the fact the Shiro was taking his pants off in the seat behind him.

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