C H A P T E R 24

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In English she is known as a "Housewife"! In Arabic, she is known as "Rabbaitul Bait" or "The Queen of The House"

In English she is known as a "Housewife"! In Arabic, she is known as "Rabbaitul Bait" or "The Queen of The House"

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The rest of this week has gone by not very fast or slow- classes just keep getting interesting and people keep getting annoying

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The rest of this week has gone by not very fast or slow- classes just keep getting interesting and people keep getting annoying. I swear to god if I hear on more thing about this party coming this weekend hosted by IMG I will shoot myself. Well not really because- it's haram (forbidden) the drinking part, but y'all get the idea.

It's just party after party after party- do this kids not get enough. I mean high school was just like this, and my parents strict ones never let me leave the house after 7 unless I would he staying over at someone's house in which they trust I'm safe arc, like Faye's. Not that I minded it's staying home in the comfort of warm walls and my cat mango was better then watching drunk imbeciles ruin their lives. 

For the rest of this week, I've been getting deliveries of chocolates, cupcakes, gummy's any sugar filled candy. I feel guilty eating it after the whole running and working out thing but umm, I like can't  leave all this amazing nesse to waste- and yes I didn't try to stay away but after a long day of designing stuff can get tiring. And food always  wins. 

Yamir hasn't called to ask about anything- he's probably still annoyed from last time. I'm not going to say I regret going off, because I mean first of all- I didn't over react that much and he was being quite ugh. I can't. I hope 

"Bye maaa, diz chão para pai também! (Say bye to dad too)"

"Ishi, we'll see eachother next week! Chão amor! Comporta-se bem" (Good bye, love! Be good). I end the call on that note and get ready for my last class for this week. Right as I leave my dorm room, my phone lights up with a message from yas- call me- it said. Seconds later Ive got the phone against my ear waiting for her to answer the phone. 

"How's my babe doing?" She screeches. I have to hold my ear away from my phone not wanting to loose my hearing. 

"Waleikum Salam to you too, I'm doing better great allhamdullilah!" I reply.

"Whatever- you were always a better Muslim weren't you?" I could feel her rolling her eyes through the phone.

"You called," I chuckle. This women always goes off track, no wonder she was leader of the schools MUN team. 

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