Chapter XV

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  • Dedicated to Fluff

Tori walked outside in the burning rays of the mid-day sun.

        She walked up to the town hall where a guard stood at the entrance.

        Town hall was Kevin’s new center of operations. He had figured that since he was now leader of the entire town, he deserved to be living in the leader’s quarters.

        Of course, though, if he was going to be leader, he needed some security to make sure no mutants got in.

        Luckily, there was only one guard standing idly by the door, drifting off into his own daydreams.

        He was slightly overweight, with a baseball cap that w<s far too large for him covering the majority of his face. However, the worst part was that he had a ton of acne covering his entire face, from his forehead, down to his cheeks. He also had a rifle slung over his shoulder.

        Tori might have some trouble pulling this off.

        “Hey you!” said Tori waving her arms and walking in the direction of the boy.

        “Me?” said the boy with a confused look on his pimpled face.

        “Yeah silly!” said Tori approaching the boy.

        “What do you want?” said the boy with a frown.

        Great, not only is he hideous, but he also has a personality that would make the happiest of people cry.

        “Weren’t you there when they fought off all of those mutants?”

        “Umm, yeah,” said the boy smiling, finally understanding where this was going.

        “I think you’re really brave,” said Tori, twirling her hair and smiling a lot, “And I think you’re super cute!”

        I think I just threw up a little bit!

        The boy’s face began turning a deep red.

        “Well…um…. If you want I can take you back to my place and-” the boy was interrupted by Tori.

        “Hell no, you pervert!” said Tori as she kicked the boy in the crotch with her four inch high heels.

        “Mother…of…God.” Said the boy as he fell to the ground, dropping his rifle.

        “You boys are so predictable!” said Tori picking up the fallen rifle.

        “You…bitch…” said the boy clearly in pain.

        “Oh you did not just call me that!” said Tori kicking the boys smack in the middle of the forehead, leaving a large red bump, and knocking him unconscious.

        Now I just have to hide his body in the bushes.

        Tori picked the boy up, and began to drag him toward the bushes.

(Ten Minutes Later)

        Tori is still dragging the body toward the bushes.

        Why did a fat person have to be on guard today? WHY WORLD? WHY?

        Finally arriving at the bushes, Tori pushes him underneath and kicks him again in the crotch just to make sure he is unconscious.

        Good, time to go into the office.

        Tori teleported away.

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