Chapter IV

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  • Dedicated to fluff

        Matt arrived at the elementary school, only to see chaos.

There were kids running around the school streaking. Others were throwing things through their classroom windows, for fun. There were kids crying on the ground, there was one kid who was sprawled out in a sandbox with an arm bent at an unnatural angle.

Matt made a mental note to help that kid, once he found Jeremy, and the other young children.

He ran over to the kindergarten section of the school, and opened up the door.

It was also beginning to rain. The storm clouds had been building up all day, and now it was pouring down on the kids.

Inside, the kids were all just playing with their backpacks, or sitting at the desks. Matt assumed that when their teacher disappeared, they weren’t quite sure what to do.

When Jacob opened the door and the trio walked in, all the kids stared in awe, as if they hadn’t seen anyone in years.

“Hi Jacob, Hi Matt!” said Jeremy, waving from the back of the classroom.

The kids slowly turned their attentions back to their items, as Rose closed the door behind them, as if to hide the children from some evil monster.

“You guys are sooooooo adorable!” said Jacob running up from behind Matt.

Jacob went around squishing everyone’s cheeks, as the kids looked at him as if he were a unicorn.

“Okay, now how to we get these kids out of here?” asked Matt.

“We we could bribe them with candy, or we cou-” Jacob began, but was interrupted by Rose.

“Okay kids, listen up! We’re going to go on a field trip. So grab all of your belongings, and let’s go!” said Rose in a peppy voice.

“Or we could do that too, that works,” muttered Jacob.

The kids quickly assembled their backpacks, and lined up at the door. Rose ushered them out the door, while Jacob was in the middle, and Mat brought up the rear.

“Oh. My. God. Is that Fluttershy?!?!?” said Jacob running up to a little girl who was staring around, in a daze.

“Wow, Jacob, I didn’t know you were into unicorns?” said Rose, trying desperately to keep herself from laughing.

“I am a proud Broanie! And it’s not just unicorns. Its unicorns, alicorns, and pegasi,” said Jacob seeming proud of himself.

Rose walked over to Matt and raised her eyebrows questionably.

“Don’t ask.”

As the group was about to leave the campus, Matt heard a low moan coming from behind him.

Matt turned around to see the girl with the broken arm, probably in the second grade, with an older boy crouching next to her.

“Hold on guys, we should go help that girl,” said Matt already walking away.

Jacob kept pace, joining Matt, whereas Rose stayed behind.

“Sorry guys I’m really squeamish.”

As Matt approached, the boy crouching over the girl looked up.

“Can you help my sister, Emily, she’s injured, and I don’t know how to get her back home?”

“Oh course we will! I’m Matt, and this is Jacob. Jacob, go find me a tarp of some sort.”

Jacob left to go through the classrooms, while Matt took off his jacket.

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