Chapter IX

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        It had been four days since the five freaks had joined up.

        They all were clueless about where the powers came from and how each of them got them.

        Emily had gotten better. Her arm seemed to have self healed. It got back into place at least. Matt had helped to wrap it up in a thin and durable fabric he found in one of the houses. This made something similar to a cast, but not quite.

        She was now walking around to see what she could do to help. Despite Matt and Jacob’s protests to stay in bed, she said she felt useless lying around and eating all day.

        All five of them had each gone to a different grocery store, to do reconnaissance. Each time they came back with food, but four out of five of the grocery stores had been burned just like the first one.

        Matt and Rose were out watering the front yard when Daniel came back from Main Street.

        Matt was watering, while Rose turning into a bumblebee to spread pollen throughout the plants.

        At a certain point a blue jay thought that a nice Rose-bee would be a good dinner.

        The bird was quite surprised when the bee it just caught tuned into a cat and forced the bird to crash land into a tree.

        Anyways, Rose had turned back into a human when Daniel came back.

        “Hey Rose, didn’t you used to live back at the rich part of town… what’s that complex called SeaBridge or something?” said Daniel with a new batch of goodies.

        Main Street was where a lot of the kids had grouped up after the adults disappeared.

It was now a sort of trading post, where people talked and traded whatever they thought wasn’t needed.

Everyday Matt sent Daniel down there to see if there was any word about freaks down there. If there was any gossip in town, it could be heard on Main Street.

The town was currently being run by Kevin and his posse.

After the freak hunt-down that occurred, lots of people decided to join him.

Kevin assumed command, seeing as though no one else had volunteered.

Kevin was also a bully. If he wanted something, he would take it.

But that wasn’t Matt’s problem. Matt’s problem was that Kevin was still hunting down mutants/freaks/whatever they were.

After the “death” of Alex he decided to hunt down the rest. Everyone had believed that Alex died, because the house was burnt to ashes. No one bothered to check if there was a charred body or a skeleton.

The next day, Kevin somehow learned of another mutant.

Matt wasn’t entirely sure what this kids power was, but he had heard that the mutant was able to spit acid slime. Unfortunately, by the time Matt and the rest of the group showed up it was too late. The guy had managed to kill one of the posse, but from there he was overpowered. It was a group of twenty kids with rifles and shotguns. They may have been inexperienced, but the numbers was too much. They shot the kid, and left his there in his house to decompose.

Matt showed up later to burn the body. He used his flame, combined with Jacob’s heat, and cremated the body, burying the ashes in the backyard.

After that day, Daniel and Emily took shifts heading down to Main Street.

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