Chapter I

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  • Dedicated to fluff

Just incase you guys didnt already know, this is a fanfiction based off of the Gone series written by Michael Grant, i do not own the series or anything like that. 


Matt woke up to a startling grey morning. A gale wind blew through the trees outside his bedroom window, causing the trees to tap on his window. He had woken up before his alarm clock rang, as usual.

 Matt got out of bed, feeling the coldness of the early morning, and put on a nice warm sweater. The sweater was far too large for him, and the sleeves hung past his hands, making him look like some creature from Yo-Gaba-Gaba.  

With dreary eyes, Matt started to go down the stairs. He passed the peeling floral wall papers that lined the thirty-five year old house.

Matt’s dad used to be relatively wealthy. Then came Matt’s mother. She was an attractive young woman coming from Los Angeles. She lured him into her trap, and he fell for it, with his naturally trusting heart.

Matt’s mother hadn’t planned on having twins with his father, but for her it was just a slight detour.  

After she had Matt and Jacob, Matt’s twin, she began to max out all of their father’s credit cards. They fought for a while, but eventually got pregnant again with Jeremy, Matt’s younger brother. While she waited to have Jeremy, she slowly drained Matt’s father’s, Dean’s, bank account, and began to put it into one of her own.

Once she had Jeremy, she immediately filed for a divorce, before she had the chance to get knocked up again. A month later, the divorce was official.

Dean and Matt’s mother, Alice, fought for two years in court, over the settlements Dean would give her, and how much money she got out of the divorce.

Eventually, Alice got away with 80% of Dean’s wealth, plus all of the belongings she had bought while she was maxing out his credit cards. 

However, when it came to who got to keep the children, she let Dean have them, without a second thought. She didn’t have a need for kids. She was planning on doing the same things she did to Dean, to some other unlucky bastard.

Matt would later come to wonder if he had any other brothers and sisters he didn’t know about, all of which in the same position, motherless and abandoned.

At the time, Matt was eleven. Every day for the next year, he thought that his mom would come home to get him, but that never happened. He would wait, staring outside into the street, waiting to see that red Fiat come and pull into the driveway.

By the age of twelve, Matt stopped hoping. In fact, he convinced himself that if she ever did come around, he wouldn’t do so much as look at her.

Then after that, a series of unfortunate events occurred to Matt’s father, including losing his job and going through a few lawsuits. Matt’s father ran his bank account to the ground, until he was asking for loans from the bank.

Eventually, Matt’s family moved out to WhiteWater Island, a small island off of the coast of Southern California, because Matt’s uncle had a business opportunity for Dean.

To this day, Matt’s father was still trying to pay off the loans he had borrowed from the bank, forcing the family to live in an old house, to save money.

Matt began to walk down the creaking floorboards of the hallway, when out of the corner of his eye, he noticed something strange.

Matt’s twin brother, Jacob, was standing right outside his own bedroom, with his eyes closed, snoring.

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