Chapter XIV

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  • Dedicated to Fluff

“What the hell is happening?!?!” screamed Matt, rubbing his hand vigorously.

        “Calm down!” yelled Emily.

        “When did I get this tattoo?”

        “Sometime last night. It just appeared on you.”

        “Did I, like, get drunk or something?”

        “Umm, not that I know of.”

        Matt looked up at himself in the mirror. He had dirt and grime covered across his face and in his hair. He had a cut just above his left eye, and some dried blood from a wound on his shoulder.

        His tattoos were glowing brightly against the dirt and tan of his hands.

        The flame flickered in his hand.


       It couldn’t have been a tattoo, because his symbols were actually moving.

        The flame flickered lightly.

        The droplet rippled across the surface of his hand.

        The slab of earth was in constant movement, forming a wall, then returning to its former state.

The wind currents were moving in different direction. At one point, it was moving the droplet, at another time pushing the flame away.

“Does anyone else have this marking thing?” Matt asked.

“Yeah, more or less, every freak under the dome has it,” said Emily walking towards the exit.

“… oh yeah, so does some girl named Victoria.”

*              *              *              *              *

        Everyone was chattering amongst himself or herself in the living room by the time Matt came down.

        When everyone saw that it was Matt coming downstairs, the whole house quieted.

        Matt sat down on the couch, as Cobalt came up and sat on his lap, purring.

        “You’ll don’t have to be so quiet, you know.”

        “We know,” said a voice from the back of the room.

        Everyone turned around to see a petite little Asian girl sitting down in the back.

        She was a young girl with straight black hair down to her shoulders. She was short and skinny, but had a full, round face. She had small brown eyes, a small nose, and a small mouth… pretty much small everything. She also wore a headband with cat ears, placed neatly in her raven colored hair.

        However, more importantly than that, she was the girl in Matt’s dream.

        “You look seriously familiar,” said Matt, eyeing the girl down.

        “What? Have you already forgotten about the dream that we all had last night, or are you just plain stupid?”

        Matt was abashed. First, others had had that dream. Second, he had just been called stupid.

        “Oh yeah, sorry about that, Matt, I forgot to tell you, that it seems every single mutant in here had the same dream,” said Emily smiling apologetically.

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