Chapter VIII

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  • Dedicated to Fluff

Matt and Jacob put the boy down onto the couch.

        Matt was surprised that Jacob couldn’t hold the newcomer by himself; he couldn’t have weighed more than forty-five pounds.

        The kid had most likely passed out from the lack of oxygen inside the house.

        The kid’s breathing seemed to be steady, but the kid looked beat up. He had burn marks running along his arms and legs. Not to mention the scratches and bruises, from the fall, that covered every inch of his body.

        Matt went and got a wet towel, placing it on the kid’s forehead.

        Jacob came out with a bloodied paper towel pressed against his face.

        “Thanks for the heads up about dropping me midair. It was real nice landing on my face.”

        “Well, it’s kind of hard to launch three people in mid air to an exact position, and then keep all three of them from splatting onto the concrete.”

        “Well Mr. Smart A-” Jacob began, but was interrupted by the kid in front of him, starting to stir.

        “Uggghghghgh,” said the kid on the couch, obviously beginning to feel the pain of tonight’s events.

        “Hey, how are you doing,” said Matt in the nicest voice he could conger.

        “Where- where am I?” said the boy looking around.

        “You’re at my place. Your house went through a er… fire.”

        “Oh Yeah! I remember now, I went to sleep and then, when I woke up everything was on fire. So I went upstairs, but it was getting hard to breathe. Everything after that is kind of fuzzy,” said the kid grabbing his side out of pain.

        “Some kids were burning down your house, so we went in and rescued you,” said Jacob blandly.

        “Who are you?” asked the kid.

        “I’m Jacob and this is-,” said Jacob, but got rudely interrupted by Matt.

        “You are in no position to be asking questions right now. Who are you? Why do people keep calling you a freak?”

        “I’m Alex, but I don’t really want to tell you why people call me a “freak”, after all last time that happened, people through me off of the school roof, then they set my house on fire. So, just give me one good reason why I should tell you why I am a freak.”

        “First of all, we rescued you from a burning building, at the expense of our lives. Second of all…” Matt motioned for Jacob and then pointed to the wet towel that was taken off of Alex’s forehead.

        Jacob got up from his spot on the couch and went over to the damp towel.

        He spread his finger out wide, as invisible waves of cool air shot out from his palms, causing the drops of humidity on the towel to freeze and crystallize.

        Then, with one flick of the wrist, the waves of cold air became heat waves.

        The little shards of crystal ice melted back into little beads of water then began to evaporate. The steam could be seen crawling up from the towel, and then vanishing the higher it went.

        “So, your turn,” said Matt with a cocky smile.

        Alex shakily stood up, bending over once to hold the left side of his ribcage. Matt presumed that he broke one of his ribs.

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