Chapter 8: I Would Never

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-Athena's POV-

"Baby please you need to tell me what they did to you." Rye pleads. 

"Andy didn't do anything he just watched. Jack pushed me against the wall and told me to stay in my room and if I didn't I was going to be in trouble and you wouldn't be there to protect me, but I beg you Rye." 

"He hurt you Athena, and as your boyfriend I am NOT okay with this. If something worse would have happened I wouldn't be able to live with myself." He says looking at me with sadness.

"Rye, please. I know how you get protecting me. Just let it be. I will talk to Jack and Andy myself." I respond practically begging him. 

"And if that doesn't work?"

"It will." 

"What if it doesn't?" He asks sternly.

"Then you win and get your way." 

"This plan better be good." He says walking out of Mikey's door and heading off to work.

"It'll be okay. He'll come 'round." Mikey says from the stairs. 

"This will work. It has to." I say grabbing my shoes and jacket. I grab my car keys, and return home. I step inside, closing the door. 

"Athena?" I hear Jack's shaky voice. I turn to look at him. His face is black and blue. I gasp, but take him to the bathroom down the hall and setting him on the toilet. I look for the first aid kit, finding it, I open it and begin cleaning Jack's face off. 

My rage is clear, I told Rye to leave Jack and Andy alone. Now once I get Jack fixed up I have to go find Andy and see if he's okay. I stitch the cut up on Jack's nose, then bandage it. I tell him to stay here, then I wonder off looking for Andy. 

When I don't find him anywhere, I hear a whimper come from my bedroom. I furrow my eyebrows, but walk in finding Andy bent over, a knife in his stomach. 

"Andy. Who d-did this t-to y-you." 

"R-R-Rye." He stumbles out. My heart freezes. Rye would never stab Andy. Rye still loves these guys no matter what. There's something else going on. 

"There's no way that he would stab you. You're his best friend Andy. Something else happened. Don't lie to me." I respond. 

"Rye beat us up. He was mad about what happened to you. Jack was messed up. We both were. We both had taken some drugs given to us from a guy we knew. It was only supposed to be some Xanax. It was something else." He replies. I put my hands on his shoulders.

"Just sit babe. I got you." I say having him lie on the bed. I grab the first aid kit. I start cleaning the blood around it, then I put my hand around the knife. "Rye actually did this to you?"

"We believe it was Rye. It was a guy we didn't know dressed all in black. I saw his face, but I feel like Rye hired him or some shit." 

"Okay, I'm going to take this knife out, I need you to bear with me because this is going to hurt. I have nothing to numb it so it won't feel to pleasant." I tell him.

"Please just take this knife out of me." Andy says. I pull the knife out quickly, making Andy cry out in pain. Once the knife is out, I clean the wound, stitch it up, then medicate it and bandage it.

"No walking for a few days. You and Jack need to get out of here before Rye comes home." I tell him. He nods and I get him out to Jack's car. I go back to the bathroom telling Jack that they need to leave now before Rye comes home. He nods and they both leave. 

I then feel my phone vibrate. I got a text message.

Rye-pie-Baby be ready for me. I'm in a good mood and you're gonna love what I have for you.

Me-I'm home. I left Mikey's. Can't wait to see you. 

Rye-pie-I'll be home in just a few babygirl.

I sigh as I put my phone in my pocket. I'm really nervous because Rye and I will probably fight tonight. After coming home to what I found I was not happy. 

The front door opens, Rye hollering through our shared home.

"Baby I'm home!" 

"In the living room!" I holler. He steps into the living room plopping himself next to me. 

"Hey baby how was your day?" He asks. I sigh and look at him.

"I told you not to hurt them, I was going to talk to them." I say. Confusion washes through his face. 

"What are you talking about? I was at work all day." He replies. 

"I came home to Jack's face busted, and Andy. He had a fucking knife in his stomach. Rye would you do that? Don't play stupid with me." I respond, getting irritated. 

"Athena I don't know what you're trying to get at here, but never would I stab or beat the shit out of my best friends, no matter how much they piss me off, I still love and care about them. Where's Andy now? Did he go to the hospital?" He asks worry dripping from his tone.

"No. He's fine. I took care of them both. Andy got stitched up, he should be home resting." 

"Baby, you have to believe me. I would never hurt them, no matter what. Please. Athena I love you, I'm in love with you, and I would never do anything to hurt you or jeopardize that. I promise." He says pulling my face to his. I look into his eyes seeing that he is telling the truth.

"I don't know what to say, but what I do know, is Andy told me it was you." I say.

"Well I have never given you a reason to not believe me, and never have I lied to you. Not about something as serious as this relationship. Andy lied to you alot. He's obviously lying now." Rye says. 

"Who did you hire then Rye?" 

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