Chapter 16: Drama

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After the movie night with dad, and waking up alone in my room, I finally have to pee so I could take this test. I lock my room door, and step into the bathroom. I pull the test out of the package, and pee on it.

I set it on the box on the counter, setting my timer and waiting. When it goes off my nerves are at an all time high, as I pick up the test. 

My blood runs cold seeing the result before me. Positive. 

I'm pregnant.

I begin to freak out. Andy. He's the dad, I had sex with him. He was my most recent, and this scares me a lot because we aren't together, and I need to talk to someone right now. Everything is just so messed up. This whole vacation got messed up. 

I just don't know why this happened. Aphro got cheated on, My parents are divorcing, I made out with a stripper last night, and now apparently, I'm fucking pregnant....With Andy's baby. 

I'm just freaking out, I am literally just a mess. What if I just moved here? Away from every single person I know. I can start fresh, and raise the baby or babies here. However many I am carrying, hopefully no more than two. 

I decide to go to the person I go to about almost everything. My mom. I know I am pissed at her, she doesn't know that though, but I really need her right now. I need her advice.

I knock on the door three times, before walking in. When I do I see everyone that came with us, in the giant living room area of their suite. Tears are running down my cheeks, but that's okay. Andy is also here, talking with everyone. His blue eyes piercing my body, as if he can't believe it's me in the flesh in tears standing before him.

"Mom, dad. I really need you guys right now, so if you could just, step into the hall or bathroom with me that would be appreciated." I say to them my voice cracking. Dad follows mom and I to the bathroom. 

I sit on the counter. I cry harder. "I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry you guys." 

"Why, what's wrong?" Mom asks, her tone worried. I look up from my hands at their concerned faces. I sniffle a little and swallow the lump in my throat.

"I'm pregnant. With Andy's baby." I say. 

"Oh, Wow, shit. Uh, uhm. I do not know what to say, I'm shocked, but happy for you. Holy fuck, what are you going to do?" Dad says. 

"I haven't figured it out yet, but you guys can't tell anyone, I mean nobody about this. Mom after dad steps out, you and me need to have a word as well." I say. She nods, exchanging glances with dad. 

He steps out, causing my mom to look at me. "Why would you do that to your daughter? Your daughters best friend, the girl who's like a daughter to you also? Mom this is really bad, and you guys have to tell Aphrodite. You already know this, don't you mom?"

"Of course I know this." 

"I get it happening once, before they got together, or even met. But last night. That is really bad, and I just, oh God she's going to be crushed, she will hate me because of you. I swear mom, if my best friend hates me after this, because You obviously can't be loyal to dad while drunk, I will leave, and I will NOT look back. I love you I do, but you need to fix this. Now." I say storming out of the bathroom. 

I walk through the living room area, where all eyes are on me, curious as to what's happened. And if I was okay or not. I look at them while walking by them,. "I'm okay guys." I say walking out of the room.

I decide maybe I should go eat something and then go to bed. My mom and Brook now know I'm pregnant, and I really hope that they don't say anything to anyone, especially Andy. He is the one I definitely do not want finding out. 

With him being the father of my unborn child, and us not being together, it looks bad. Really bad, but I don't want to stress him about the fact that he has a fucking kid on the way.

It's best that I just maybe move hotels, because being here with everything happening is just not working for me right now. I came here to have fun, not find out that I'm knocked up, my parents are divorcing because they cheated on each other, twice. Drunk, but still no excuse, the fact that the person who my mom cheated with is marrying her daughters best friend, the guy that happened to of cheated on my best friend, which has me fuming at this point. I'm fucking pissed, I want to bust faces in.

So this, this is why I have to go. I need to switch hotels and not tell them where I am staying. I walk back into my room, sitting on the bed. I pull out my laptop, then look for close hotels by this one, but they are still nice and affordable.

Once I find a decently priced and sized hotel I give them a call setting reservations, and paying over the phone. I quickly pack my bags, get my refund, then check out before anyone notices.

I take a taxi to the hotel, then walk inside, check in and instantly go to my room.

I decided on another suite because that way I have all the space. As I step into the room I am greeted with a beautiful but elegant hotel room. I smile at the warm feeling I receive from this room. I close and lock the door, then lie on the bed.

This is going to be interesting for sure.

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