Chapter 17: You Again?

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Pic because it's fucking cute. Bottom Mikey and Top Jack? Yes.

"Good morning Ms. How was your first night?" The receptionist from yesterday asks me as I come into the lobby for breakfast.

"Good morning. It was excellent. The bed was very comfortable. Thank you so much." I smile walking to get a plate of food. As I am eating my phone buzzes a billion times.

So now they notice I went missing.

I look at all of the messages I have.

Harvs-Hey where are you? 

Babe Aphro <3-Babe where you go? Your things are gone.

Mom-I'm worried about you where did you go?

Mikey-Please call me I am so worried about you right now.

Rye-Best friend, where did you run to? I really miss you. Come meet me somewhere? Hmu. Love you babe.

Dad-Kiddo, I know things are hard for you right now. I know everyone is worried about you, and I am too, but I know in my heart, you're fine and safe. I know that becoming a parent will be scary and new for you. But you will need to come back sometime babes. Please. We all love you, and I trust you know what you're doing right now. Just message me and let me know you're okay. 

Andy-I know we decided we weren't going to talk, but I can't take this shit anymore Athena. I NEED you. So please when you read this, come find me. I love you so much, and a month of not talking I just can't do. I thought I could, but I had just gotten you back, only to lose you again. And I swear that if you take me back, I WILL NOT let you go. I love you so fucking much, and losing you again is my biggest fear. Come back to me when you're ready. 

Andy fucking texted me? What the actual fuck. His message actually has me all up in my feels. I'm pregnant so I'm emotional. 

I decide that I will text dad back. 

Athena-Yes dad, I am fine. Let everyone else know. I just need some time, there's way to much going on at once. This vacation was meant to keep our minds off the stress for a week, not to add more shit. So in that case, I moved hotels, I'm not saying where, and I will come see everyone when I am ready. I love you all so much I really do, it's just I NEED to start this vacation off the way it was meant to be in the first place.

Almost instantly I get a reply.

Dad-Glad you're alright. Love you too kiddo. We are all a little less worried.

I smile and finish up my food then walk back towards my room when I bump into someone. 

"Crap." I mutter. I open my eyes to see that same guy that I ran into yesterday. 



"You know this person?" A dude asks from behind Colby. I look and see like eight other guys. I roll my eyes. Fuck.

He helps me up, then I look at the other guys.

"Yeah we met yesterday. The same way. Neither of us know how to look apparently." I say winking at Colby. "Anyways, gotta go." 

"Wait. Would you like to go to the beach with us? You seem lonely." The other guy says. I chuckle.

"Offensive, but yeah sure I'd love to go. I could use a beach day for sure." I say. 

"Cool meet us in the lobby then?" Colby asks.

"Course babe." I smile turning around. I walk towards my room. I step inside, locking the door, and looking for one of my swimming suits.

I set my heart on a white and black one piece. I quickly undress, then slip it on. I grab my backpack with my towel, tanning lotion, snacks, music, phone, etc. 

I then slip on my flip flops and step out of my room locking the door. I walk down to the lobby where as promised Colby and his buddies sit on their phones or talking to each other. 

"Ready guys?" I ask. They look and nod so we all Uber out to the beach. 

We find a place with some tanning chairs so we put our things there. They stay on their phones or in deep conversation with each other so I slip off my shirt and shorts. 

"'Right. Well I'm gonna hit the water. It's hot out, and I'm fucking hot." I say turning around walking towards the water. Eyes are on me, I can feel it. I dare not look. 

I step in the water, the coolness automatically feeling amazing on my hot skin. I walk all the way in, dipping my head under it. 

When I come back up I see Colby and one of his friends walking towards me. I begin swimming towards the duo. As they begin to enter the water, I stand up, allowing their eyes to advert to everywhere but my face. 

"You uh, wow." Colby stutters. I chuckle.

"Yes. I have figured that out recently. Anyways, you're horrible at introductions by the way. Hey man, I'm Athena, I'm from England. What's your name?"

"I'm Aaron." He says. I smile and walk back towards the others.

"Hey guys, sorry to bother you, but since your friend Colby there, sucks at introductions, Hello. My name is Athena." I say to them as they look at me. 

"I'm Taylor. That's Cam, Blake, Trey, Jack J, just call him JJ, that's Jack Gilinsky, just call him Jack, and that's Sammy."

I smile. "It's very nice to meet you all. Come, the water is quite nice really." I say to them. They nod putting down whatever they are doing and follow me towards the water where Colby and Aaron are chilling while fucking with each other.

I run towards the water, quickly running through getting deep enough to dive. I swim a bit under the water, poking each of their legs, then swimming out further and coming up so they don't suspect it as me.

I open my eyes, seeing panicked expressions on their faces. I swim quickly towards them. 

"Are you guys alright?" I ask. They look at me. 

"Something touched us all." Sammy says. I can't hold it in anymore. I laugh really hard causing them to look at me confused.

"It was me."

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