The Silver Guardian Bk. 01 Ch. 30

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The Silver Guardian

By DaddyIrishman

A huge thank you to my editor Tex Beethoven for another amazing job and collaboration, thank you Tex you rock!!!

Book 1

Chapter 30

Late that afternoon Dr. Marc returned and released Dante from the clinic with some medications for preventing infection, as well as some painkillers to help manage the pain as he healed. Back in their suite, Lily had set him up in their bed and was tending to him, since he still couldn't move very well. She brought up food at dinnertime that Abigail and her staff had prepared for them in the kitchen, and they ate and watched a few movies while they rested in bed and Dante healed.

The next several days passed quickly as Dante recovered. He did a lot of sleeping, but also spent time finalizing everything for his new business. During his down time as well as the weeks leading up to this one, he had contacted several members of the Pack about working for him in his new venture and he now had a crew of 10 who would be on his payroll. They ranged from electricians to programmers to builders, as well as security experts for any number of jobs. He made it clear that since none of them were Enforcers, no one would be doing any guard or bodyguard duties and they wouldn't staff anyone's businesses or residences, but all other aspects of security would fall under their expertise. Between himself and his staff they could cover any security need.

Next week Lily would file all the necessary permits and applications and licenses and within a week of that, Silver Security Services would be up and running.

Odin and Ben had been so impressed with the system Dante had set up in his own home that they wanted an expanded version for the entire Pack. With a growing sense of concern regarding the rogues and the tone of the last few Alpha Conclaves, they decided to err on the side of caution and upgrade the Pack's security quietly, so it wouldn't be noticed. And what better way of achieving a low profile than by hiring Dante's fledgling in-house company?

So their first job would be to install and link together the remote setup that Dante had developed in all Pack homes, businesses and structures, which would automatically forward any alerts to the affected individuals as well as to Dante, Ben and Alpha Odin, so they could respond to the situation appropriately.

Dante had already patented and given Odin backup copies of his network security software. Lily was handling all the legal aspects for him, and would be assisting with preparing bids and other business dealings as well. Dante would head it all up, but Lily would also be a major player, and it would be their family business. It would also be good practice for her, and a platform to prove her independence and acumen for running the O'Connor family business.

This had been the longest that Lily and Dante had ever gone without making love. Dante was still torn up and healing in enough places it just wasn't a good move to be having sex. But by the time Thursday rolled around he was much better, and was able to move around fairly well, even if he was slower and stiffer than before.

Lily had been antsy and irritable all morning, and Dante knew through the bond she was struggling with her needs. He decided he was well enough to help her out in at least some fashion. When Lily came into the bedroom next, Dante spoke to her, "Baby, I can feel your need and I can tell what a hard time you're having. Let me take care of you, I'm healed enough now that I can help you out and make you feel better."

Lily chewed on her lip: she wanted to take him up on that so badly, but her caution at his still recovering and not wanting to stress him was stopping her in her tracks. "Dante, you're not healed yet, and you need your strength; I'm fine and we can wait until you're completely better."

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