The Silver Guardian Bk. 01 Ch. 20

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The Silver Guardian

By DaddyIrishman

A huge thank you to my editor Tex Beethoven for another amazing job and collaboration, thank you Tex you rock!!!

Book 1

Chapter 20

Morning came, and Lily was secretly pleased that the early weekday rising at the Manor House meant that she could almost always awaken within her beloved's arms; this morning was no different. They snuggled in bed for a short while and woke up slowly together before they finally had to start moving and get ready. They took a hot shower together, where they soaped each other clean before Lily got her favorite hair treatment. Once they were out of the shower and dried off, they got dressed. Dante put on a tight red polo shirt and well-fitted dark wash jeans with his Luchesse black ostrich boots. Lily had selected a dark purple knee-length dress that left her shoulders and upper chest bare, with red heels. They arrived at breakfast and said hi to Mom and Dad, as well as Ben and Sara before they all chatted amiably about nothing in particular. Abigail had outdone herself with an incredible Eggs Benedict that was rich and filling, a delicious treat! Soon breakfast was finished, and it was time for Dante's history lesson and for Lily to make the rounds with her Mother.

Dante arrived in the library and bade Elder Maeve, Elder Bruce and Nick the Archivist a good morning. He sat down and Nick started today's lesson.

"Dante, today's lesson is a piece of history that is well known to all lycans. Although there are more scholarly renditions in our archives, complete with references and footnotes, the version I'm about to quote comes from an oral tradition that has been rephrased and perfected over many generations. Many schoolchildren memorize this story verbatim, and I was no exception. Although the language gives the impression of a myth, our archivists believe it to be accurate in every particular. So here it is.

"Thanks to judiciously kept Lunar records, lore and manuscripts, we know that lycans can trace their origins to a time 10,000 years ago. It is known that our Mistress Luna bore a special love for her children the wolves inhabiting the wilds and had watched sadly as humans encroached on them to destroy and dominate both them and the land upon which they trod. She saw the balance falling askew and She agonized for the wilds and her wolves within them.

"She searched across the lands for an alleviation, and in time came upon a great wolf more magnificent than any other, black as the moonless sky and more powerful than any before him. Luna chose him as her Champion against humankind's destruction of her children. She appeared unto this wolf and lovingly blessed him, and thus he became the First Lycan to walk both worlds. To stem the flow of sorrows against her children, she gave her Champion the ability to walk both among his own, wolfkind, and also among their oppressors, humankind, appearing to be one of their own, learning the ways of man in order to protect his brethren the wolves.

"For many years her Champion traveled the land alone, guarding, and insofar as it was possible, protecting his brethren from the growing encroachments that humans inflicted upon them. At times he would do battle with humankind, wielding their own weapons against them, and at other times he would lead them along paths that would benefit instead of harm his lupine kin. His tireless efforts pushed back the advance of men across the wilds and stemmed the tide of destruction laid against his own, although no power under heaven could halt it altogether.

"After years of his faithful service, Luna loved her Champion so, that she decided to bestow upon him a Great Love to fight beside him, to lead with him, and to love him and further his legacy. Our Mistress Luna once again searched the land and found one more magnificent wolf, this time one in Her own image, lithe and graceful like a dancing beam of pure moonlight, and as beautiful. Like the moon she was pure white, and Luna chose her to be the Great Love for her Champion. With her the first lycan mating occurred, and the first Alpha Pair was joined. The Champion's Mate walked by his side among the wolves, bringing them comfort and solace, and walked by his side among the humans, safeguarding their kin from destruction. They traveled the land far and wide as Alpha Mates, protecting and fighting and beguiling on behalf of their own kind and keeping the wilds alive. The Champion grew compassionate and wise from the council of his Great Love and they ruled and nurtured and battled with great wisdom and love for their kind, and with merciless justice for their enemies.

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