The Silver Guardian Bk. 01 Ch. 11

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The Silver Guardian

By DaddyIrishman

A huge thank you to my editor Tex Beethoven for another amazing job and collaboration, thank you Tex you rock!!!

Book 1

Chapter 11

The next morning came rather too quickly for both Dante and Lily; they were both feeling the effects of the previous night's excesses when they woke up. Odin and Victoria knew what a big night it had been for the two of them as well; the walls within the Manor House were sturdy, but not that soundproof. They also knew that the prior night when the couple had met Dante's wolf for the first time, plus the mating ceremony would have been taxing, so they had decided to give the young couple a break and a relaxed day today.

They had missed breakfast by several hours and were starving, and knew it would still be a while before lunch came around, so they made their way downstairs into the kitchen and made themselves a simple brunch to start their day with.

While they were eating, Lily filled Dante in on a few things. "Mom and Dad want us to meet with them in Dad's office when we're done eating, to go over a few things and start integrating both of us into the Pack. The past several years I was in school and got my law degree from Columbia. I moved back here after graduation, but mostly lived in my Cabin away from the Pack, enjoying my time alone and until now I've had few duties.

"Now though, with our being mates and the designated Alpha Heir pair instead of my younger brother Michael being the Alpha Heir, our responsibilities to the Pack are going to increase dramatically and we'll be very busy the majority of the time. You especially, because you not only have to learn and grow into your Alpha Heir responsibilities, but you also need to undergo training, not to mention learning lycan and Pack history. Dad mentioned your needing to work with Ben on training and Pack security as well."

"About that," Dante interjected. "If we've just displaced Michael, how's he going to feel about that?"

"Not a problem," Lily reassured him. "He's always been a team player. Until he went off to University, Ben always had authority over him even though being the male that I obviously am not, Michael wore the title of Alpha Heir designate. With Ben being more experienced and knowledgeable, Michael never had a problem taking orders from him, since it was for the good of the Pack. And for all of us in the O'Connor Pack the good of the Pack trumps everything, and we all trust Mom and Dad to make the best overall decisions.

"Speaking of which, I'm going to have to seriously start my training under Mom for becoming Madame Alpha, so when it's time I'll be competent to pair with you in making wise decisions for our Pack. Plus, I want to spend some time turning what was formerly my suite into our home. I'd like it, if you're okay with that of course, if we could spend the weekdays with the Pack living here in our suite at the Manor House, and our weekends at the Cabin. What do you think?"

Dante had been eating and listening closely to Lily as she spoke. He paused for thought before responding. "It sounds like we're both going to be quite busy with responsibilities as well as training. I'm looking forward to talking to Mom and Dad about that some more once we wrap up breakfast, and then we'll know a bit more when we dive into the details of starting our new life.

"As for your plans for the suite and splitting our time between the Manor House and the Cabin, I like those thoughts and agree completely. I'd like to help you and spend some significant time with you turning both of them into our homes. I'm not bad with a hammer and saw, so I'd like to do some renovations at the Cabin if you're ok with that, and make it our little sanctuary just for the two of us.

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