The Bad News

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//Dice's POV//

I woke up on a clear and quiet morning only to find that Y/n was snuggled into my chest.

"How the..."

I then remembered last night.


I was afraid to move since I didn't want to wake her.

I had the option to either fall back asleep or wake her up.

Just then Y/n began to flutter her lovely eyes open.

"Mornin' sunshine. How'd you enjoy your new pillow?" I chuckled.

"Oh shit. I'm sorry," She began to get up, but I pushed her back down.

"Nah, you're good. You're too damn warm to let go of."

As a tease, she began to get out of my hold.

"Nooooooo....I want to eat...." Y/n whined.

"Your stomach can wait sunshine, I wanna have my love," I tightened my grip on her.

She sighed and fell back into her spot.

"Okay, maybe just for a little while," Y/n gave in to me.

"Alright, How does forever sound?"

"Shuttup, ya dork," She playfully kicked my leg.

We laid down for a little longer, enjoying every second of it.

I was playing with her hair when her cell phone rang.

"I'll be right back," Y/n went to go get it.

//Your POV//

⚠️Warning! Bullying/Violence up ahead. You have been warned⚠️

The contact that showed up on my phone was..Ivory!

I've been meaning to meet up with her after everything.

I picked it up expecting a chipper, sassy Ivory but it was someone else, that was sad and melancholy.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hello, is this Y/n?" The woman asked.


"Hi, this is Ivory's mom. I'm sorry but can you please come over to the community hospital, she wants to see you. I know it's a bit early but, I beg of you," Her mother spoke with her voice sounding distraught.

"Oh! Mrs. White! Why is Ivory in the hospital?" I began to worry.

"She..She was attacked by that girl Savannah and her friends. They left her on the side of the road. If that elderly woman hadn't stopped on the side of the road to see what was wrong, Ivory would've been dead," Mrs. White explained.

The whole situation made my stomach turn.

I wanted to scream and cry, this was all just like what happened with Charlie.

"I'll be there in five."

"Thank you," Her mother sounded little relieved.

"No problem. I'll see you there," I assured her.

Out of dread, I hurried to get clean clothes and and shoes on, not bothering to eat, do my hair or brush my teeth.

Seeing Ivory was my top priority.

//Dice's POV//

I walked into Y/n's room to see her hastily getting dressed.

She had that expression on her face that was all too familiar.

Snowflakes (King Dice x Depressed! Reader) OLDWhere stories live. Discover now