On The Run

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(Yes, I added it. )

//Your POV//

I was walking down the stairs when my mom walked in front of the door way.

"And where do you think your going?" She asked me.

"Out," I shrugged.

"Tch, why should you when you have no friends?" Mom snarled.

"Look mom, I don't know what your problem is but leave me the fuck alone," I growled.

"Don't you dare speak to me like that, young lady!" Mom yelled as she smacked me, "After all, it's YOUR fault Charlie's dead."

"No, it's YOUR fault because of your horrible parenting!" I yelled back at her.

"STAY HERE," Mom hissed as she stomped upstairs and then came back with my backpack.

I opened it to see my stuff like my phone and clothes and my photo of me and Charlie.

Mom opened the door and pushed me out me into the cold.

"And don't come back!" She yelled out the window.

I don't need her to survive, I actually tampered with my phones S.I.M card so when my phone provider turns off my phone service,
It still works.

Guess I'm on the run, well that's okay, I've always wanted to see the world.

I started to make my way down the street until I reached the bus.

Soon the bus pulled up on time.

"Where to?" The bus driver asked me.

"I'm probably going to have the last stop, train station," I Said as I handed my money over.

"Alrighty," He Said.
"Y/n! Come sit next to me!" Dice shouted from the back of the bus.

I walked down the isle of seats and sat next to him.

"Hi," I waved.
"Hey, Why are you going to the train station?" Dice Asked.

"I dunno, I'm just, on the run," I shrugged.

"What?! Where are you going to go?" He asked.

"Probably the next state over."

"You don't even know where Your going! What about all the people you know here? What about That Ivory girl your told me about? What about me?" He questioned.

"I'll be thinking of you guys as I chase the setting sun," I chuckled.

"Y/n, this is serious!" He said, "Can you please come to my house to explain yourself?"

"Fine!" I gave up.

We soon arrived at his house.

~Edited: Originally published December 27th, 2017~

Snowflakes (King Dice x Depressed! Reader) OLDWhere stories live. Discover now