Another Unwanted Call

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*Two Days later*

Dice told me to pack for the trip.

I could tell that he was internally begging me to decide not to go.

The day before, he tried to convince me that it's way too much to go with him after what happened with Craig.

Even though I still had those memories of that bastard stuck in my head (probably for good) I was okay enough to come.

I put in all the essentials I'd need in my bag, once I was done packing, I got a phone call.

The number was recognizable but I didn't remember who.

Like I said, I'm a forgetful person.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hello, dear," I finally figured out who this is.

"M-Mom?!" I exclaimed.

"Yes honey, it's me. I saw you on the news the other day," She spoke.

'Fuck. It was the damn paparazzi,' I thought.

"Turns put that you've been hiding with a freak," Mom laughed.

"Fuck You," I growled.

"Nice mouth. Now that I know what you've been up to, after I bail out Craig, we can be a happy family again~!" She cooed in a higher voice then it was before.

"Hah. Like you'd be able to bail him. Also we were never a happy family," I Said.

"That's because one thing," She got quiet.

"What?" I asked.

"You and Charlie were born. You should've died with her. You should've been assassinated along with her," She snarled.

"What do you mean?!" I Spoke now freaked out.

"I payed those boys to kill her," She said one more time before hanging up without explanation.

"What...the fuck," I simply said, flabbergasted.

'Did she really kill off Charlie, just like that? Or is she trying to trick me? Either way she's stupid because I can send her to jail for saying that but..she knows I don't have the guts to do it.'

It just didn't make sense.

Charlie would already come home with Marks and bruises so they would either do that alone or else my mother told them to do it as well.

This was all too fucked up.

I decided against telling Dice what just happened because he's worked up enough.

He obviously didn't need more drama in his life right now.

So, resisting the urge to cry, I continued packing, feeling like I've been thrown off my rocker.

~Edited: Originally Published March 21st, 2018~

Snowflakes (King Dice x Depressed! Reader) OLDWhere stories live. Discover now