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Recap; Suraj n Chakor r with the kids at the resort.

Suraj; oh Man I'm so happy we r going home. I can't stand those kids anymore. If anyone will talk to me again I will cut the tongue of them.

Chakor was smiling. Suraj u r too much.

Suraj looked at her. Too much n that me?! Y?

Chakor; just think! If the kids won't be there someone else would be roaming around 24/7.

Suraj shivers thinking of him. Yuck!!! Chakor!

Chakor bursted out in a loud laughter. Hahaha

Suraj mimics her. Ha ha ha! Wait let a woman come n... he thought 🤔. Actually that's quite hot. If another woman comes n starts to kiss u I won't say no!

Chakor shocked. What!!!!

Suraj; oh that hurts right! Stupid! What abt me when that Manik tried to "safe" my life?! If his lips would have touched mine than u would be buried under the tree there!

Chakor looked there. Oh but that means no Sex!

Suraj; don't worry I would have find another one!.

Chakor hits him. They called for all the kids.

Suraj; listen idiots we r leaving! If someone of u plays a prank on us then I will punch them on their face! Yes Chantal even a girl will get a punch!

No!!! All kids got scared.

Chakor was counting them.

Suraj; all there anyone missing?

Chakor shows him a thumbs up 👍. All there.

The bus drive started n SuKor were sitting next to each other.

Chakor was tired the last night Suraj hasn't let her sleep not a single minute he was taking his revenge on her bcz of the Manik incident.


After their breakfast all were trying to find some distraction.

Manik comes to them. Hey Suraj u know here on the beach the sun shines very strong let me cream u... Suraj?!

Chakor; Manik? What r u doing?!

Manik; currently nothing but I want to.

Chakor; what?!

Manik; I want to cream his back but he isn't answering me what should I do?!

Chakor; oh u can cream my back!

Manik nods. He put some sunblock cream on his hand n starts to apply is on her back.

Suraj woke up.

Chakor was moaning slightly as he was massaging her. Oh man... that is the right point!

Suraj; Chakor!!!

Chakor looked at him. What?!

Manik; u r next!

Suraj shrugs. What the fuck! Get lost or I will kill u! N put ur hands away from her back...

Manik left from there.

Chakor; Suraj u should be happy I saved u!

Suraj; what?!

Chakor; he come to apply the cream on u!.

Suraj; yuck! He pulls her close. U will pay for that!.

Chakor; what I haven't done anything!

Suraj; let's see!

Chakor was holding his hand. Suraj when we will return home. Can u then resign?!

Suraj; I will resign as soon as I have my money.

Chakor nods. Okay!

It was late in the evening when they arrived home as they had to wait till every kid was was picked up or at least went home.

Suraj was at Chakors bedroom both were sleeping next to each other, when suddenly Rita comes in.

Chakor yawns. Rita what happen?!.

Rita; what the hell! He is a thief n u r letting him sleep her not only this but with u in a bed?!

Chakor; haan... she turns in her sleep n cuddles with him.

Rita shook her head. She left the room n fumes. Uff Chakor he is using u. He is a thief he will never change n I will prove it.

On the next day

Suraj kisses her back.

Chakor smiles. Suraj I will turn will u kiss me then too?!.

Suraj; haan I will kiss u even longer n more passionately.

Chakor turns to him. Both were kissing each other... till their alarm clock rings.

They got ready n entered the school Rita had gone on her own.

Suraj; Rita! Wait please...

Rita stopped. She looked at him. What Suraj! She is my friend I know I behave sometimes silly n naughty but I would never hurt her. I can't trust u!

Suraj; I can understand but I... I really love her. I won't hurt her. Please give me the chance she is giving me to prove my honest love.

Rita was looking at him. His eyes weren't lying. She nods. Okay one chance bcz of Chakor, otherwise I wouldn't.

Suraj nods with a smile.

They all had different time schedules.

Chakor reaches home first. She was happy as Rita gave her a green signal that Suraj could stay but only with reservation.

Suraj was the next who come he went to the kitchen n starts to prepare the dinner, that is when Rita come she was impressed.

Rita; how can a thief cook?!

Suraj; just bcz I'm a thief it doesn't matter that I can't cook!

Rita; haan... at least it smells far better than that what Chakor prepares.

Suraj; she can't cook. I always got stomach pain.

Rita; haan me too.

Chakor sarcastically. Ha ha ha very funny, so now u both r best friends leaving me behind, very bad!!!

Suraj; but Chakor u r a bad cook.

Rita nods in agreement. Btw Suraj I thought again abt the work u r doing currently as an assistant teacher. Y don't u continue no one will get to know!

Suraj; chi one more month or waste of time with those ugly kids n I will kill myself!

Chakor; What?! They tried to be nice!

Suraj; I hate kids!!!

Rita; I can understand, funny fact teachers always hate kids.

Suraj laughs. Hahahahaha.

Chakor shook her head. I like kids.

Suraj; bcz u like everyone just think of me!

Rita; oh I think I'm gonna like more 👍😉.

Chakor; uff u truly become friends

SuRi; we r pretending just for u!

Chakor; no 😱 simultaneous sentence... 😤.

Suraj comes near n pecks her lips.  Happy??

Chakor; haan...

They went to sleep...

Next update big misunderstanding

Actually I want to end this story so I will try to post sooner

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