Chapter six {Suraj the thief}

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Recap: Suraj n Chakor had a small dispute. Chakor throw him out. Rita knows abt Suraj!

Chakor; what?! He is a thief? Where is he now?!.

Rita; u throw him out the shopper was clear! U can say what u want but I think he satisfied u at nights!

Chakor; he is a thief!!! What he stolen from me?!.

Rita; oh hahaha Besides ur heart n mind nothing?!.

Chakor; Shut Up!!!

Rita; well I will tell u what happened in the sport class!

Chakor; Uff Haan how was it?? Did the students annoy u a lot?!

Rita; No Suraj was having control over them.

Chakor; Haan he is gud in threatening them!

Rita; Yes well u know he vanished from the sport class n I got suspicious.

Chakor; so?!.

Rita; I followed him how took a map of the building finding a save way to enter the basement.

Chakor; then?!.

Rita; I caught him red handed!

Chakor; what?!.

Suraj what the hell r u doing?!

Suraj was shocked. Rita u? Rrrrr the ssssstudents missssssabehaving?! I'm ccccoming!

Rita; no they aren't but what r u doing here?! Y r u sweating like hell n what??! Is that a gun?!!

Suraj; ssshhh don't shout! Yes it's a gun!

Rita; y u need a gun.. n this map it's the school building r u going to do something like rampage?!

Suraj looked at her with widen eyes. What the hell?! Have u gone mad! I would either kill the rampager then being one! Killing innocent life's just for fun needs to be punished with fast but yet cruel death!.

Rita; then what r u doing tell me or I will call the police!

Suraj; what police? Y?! I haven't done anything!

Rita; the gun in school is a crime!

Suraj; Fuck!!!

Rita; ya Fuck! Now tell me who r u n what r u doing here bcz u aren't a teacher! I can sense it. All ur students complains abt u! How u ill treat them!

Suraj; they r idiots!

Rita; n u r not a teacher!

Suraj; no I'm not I come for the job as janitor but that weird principal made me an assistant teacher. How could I say no to more money! I faked a few papers with the help of Chakor... unknowingly.

Rita; u used her from beginning?!

Suraj; oh Hello I never forced her. I asked for help but she gave me pleasure y would I say no?!.

Rita; u r disgusting!

Suraj; go n come with something new.

Rita; y r u really here?!!

Suraj; I'm a thief n my partner in crime has put my share here under the auditorium now I'm here to get it back anyhow n if u come into my way... he hold the gun... I haven't used it but I will!.

Chakor; what?!.

Rita; yes!!!

Chakor runs down the apartment complex to find his car... as she knows it won't work.


Suraj looked at her. Oh Fuck what the... Rita!!!

Suraj was trying to lock the car but he wasn't fast enough.

Chakor opens the door n pulls him out!!!

She beating him on the road.

A man; u should learn to control ur wife!

Chakor; he is not my husband!!!!

Suraj; Sir I'm leaving with her for more than 5 weeks... sharing my everything with her... yet she is saying she is not mine... poor me...

A woman; Girl what is this?! U live with him n now u saying u r not married..?!

Chakor; woh I didn't live with him I let him sleep on my couch..

Suraj; wrong not couch it was Ur Bed!

Chakor looked at him in anger. U bloody thief! U used me to get into the school!

She starts to hit him again!

Suraj; u know we both r going on class trip how will u get rid off me from there?!.

Chakor; what?!

Suraj; it was ur idea n they agreed!!!

Chakor; no I will tell them ur truth.

Suraj; okay go ahead I will say how much u helped me... un/-knowingly!! Who cares help is help n in crime nothing matters.

Chakor was numb... fine u Arrrggg I don't want to see u!

Suraj; oh when did I say to see u?!.

I'm going bye!

Chakor stamps with her feet's n shouts. What it's our personal matter don't u have anything else to do?!.

The people left from there n Chakor too was back in her apartment crying on her bed.

Suraj damn it. Rita y u didn't told her the complete true!

I never wanted to sleep with her but it happened n ya I agree I couldn't get enough she is perfect for me. Look I'm not using her I was ready to sleep on the couch she called me... n those stupid students they don't have a brain or manners to talk to anyone idiot fellows I'm stucked with them. Please don't tell her....

Rita; I have to!.


Class trip
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