Just One Night ~25~

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Hey Wattpad!

So... last official chapter... I can't believe it...

Anyway, quick shout outs to the dedication, CammeiCarole. She helped me figure out Matthew's occupation and.. well... you'll find out in the epilogue:)

And also to @MichelleValens. Check her out, she's cool:)

I think I'll do the long "thank you to these people" in a separate "chapter"...

Anyway, hope you like!:))


Rania was discharged from hospital on Thursday, and was told by the school that she was graduating but that she had to come to a couple of days of summer school to make up the hours.

“Shouldn’t they not count this against me? I mean, it’s hard raising a kid! This is only my second day and already I’m exhausted.”

I was about to say something when Brittany started crying.


We were at her house right now, trying to get ready for graduation. It was Friday now, and I was supposed to be spending the night. Matthew had been staying here too, but we’d decided to send him home to get some sleep since he’d barely got any during the time in hospital.

Rania sighed, walking over to Brittany’s little crib. It was set up at the foot of her bed so it was easy to reach yet not in the way of the door.

 “See? This is normal!” Rania picked up Brittany, rocking her gently. “She’s probably hungry…” She glanced at me, as though waiting for me to leave. When I didn’t, she added, “I have to breastfeed.”

“I’m leaving!” I rushed out quickly, meeting Misty in the kitchen. “Brittany’s hungry.” I explained.

“Gotcha. So what did you want to do?” Misty asked.

“Well, I’m going to eat your ice-cream. What about you? What have you been up to since the last time we really talked?” I asked.

“Well, I’m still doing yoga. I actually met someone. I don’t think it will go anywhere though.” Misty sighed.

“Aw, why not?” I asked, sadly. Misty deserved to find someone. It seemed that everyone now had someone except her; she needed a guy in her life.

“No real reason.” She shrugged, but I could see that she was upset.

“Hey, what is it?” Maybe I could convince Cam to help me kick this guy’s ass?

“I haven’t told anyone about this yet.” She told me, obviously putting it off.

“But why not?” I insisted.

“Because he’s different to the guys I would usually go for.”

I almost groaned in frustration. “Give me a straight answer here, Misty. Seriously, what’s different about this guy?”

“He may or may not be married.” She admitted.

I gasped. “How did you guys meet?” I asked, shocked. I wasn’t judging, I’d never do that, but I was surprised. I never figured Misty for the “other woman” type.

“He works as an exercise instructor at the gym where I go for yoga. We started talking and I didn’t even know he was married so I flirted back. I’ve been on a couple of dates with him, and he told me about a week ago that he had a wife.” She dropped her head in her arms, and suddenly I felt old. Much older than any seventeen year old should feel.

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