Just One Night ~10~

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  • Dedicated to Every Single Fan:)

Hey Wattpad!!!

First off, I am SO sorry I took so long to upload! This chapter was pretty hard to write because I had no idea how to do certain things (it's not like I've ever been pregnant or known anyone who was/is!), and I had to do my final exams for the year.

Secondly, you'll never believe this guys, but... I'M OFFICIALLY A SENIOR IN HIGH SCHOOL NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D :D :D :D :D :D

You have no idea how happy it makes me!:D 

Now thirdly, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! I keep getting emails saying someone has fanned, and I can't believe that in the time since I started this, I've gained 52 FANS!!!:D I love every single one of y'all, and I love every single comment I get!

Seriously, I have so many dedications I want to give out, I don't even remember, so here's a dedication to every single fan I have now! Each of you are helping me in some way, so thank you:)

Also, I'm putting this in that Watty Awards thing, so vote for me?:)

Sorry for the rant, here's the reason you came::


            My head snapped up to Rania. “OK, it will be alright.” I told her, and she nodded.

            “Do you think I should tell Matthew now or wait until tomorrow?” She asked.

            I thought. What would I do in her place? “I’d personally tell him now. That way if you start throwing up tomorrow he won’t be freaking out over why.”

            Rania looked a little guilty, and I frowned. “What’s wrong?”

            “I’ve been throwing up already. I didn’t tell anyone because I thought I might have just eaten something. But then it started happening every day and I realized I hadn’t had my period. Today Matthew made another pregnancy joke and I figured he might be right.” She said.

            “When did you start throwing up?” I asked, slightly annoyed.

            “About three weeks ago. Also, my boobs feel bigger.” She told me.

            My mouth fell open. “Rania, I love you girl, but do you seriously not want to be pregnant that badly? They’re common symptoms for pregnancy, even I know that!”

            “But it’s not as bad anymore! Now I just get these random pains and stuff.” Rania said.

            I rolled my eyes. “Look, you should have said something earlier. We could have done everything you’re supposed to do by now!” I told her, hoping I sounded like I knew exactly what I was talking about.

            Rania nodded. “I’m sorry. I really am.” She said, before adding, “So, do I call him?”

            I sent a quick text to Cam, letting him know the situation, and said, “Yeah, do it now. And when he gets here, I’ll either be in the same room as you or a different one, but I’ll be here too.”

            She hugged me. “Thank you! Have I told you how much I love you lately?”

            I laughed. “No, but I’ll remind you. Now call your baby daddy already!”

            Rania giggled, all traces of her tears gone. “Calm yo’ tits, I’m dialing!”   She pulled out her phone, took a breath, and held it up to her ear.

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