Chapter 17

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Alex's gun fired first, the bullet slamming into Trisha's right shoulder, making her scream and her gun point towards the ceiling, and it fired. I fired at her left shoulder, and now she had two bullets in her shoulders, and the ceiling had one. No other guns were fired.

"Get out, get out!" Dad ordered all of us, but Alex and I kept our guns steady as Dad grabbed Mom's wrist and took her out. However, my cousin and I stayed.

"Okay Trisha." I started, placing my foot on her chest as Alex slid her gun to the side of the room. "Why are you here? Who sent you?"

Blood was spilling from her shoulders, but it didn't knock her out unconscious. "That's none of your business."

"Why are you trying to hurt my family!?" My foot pressed down, and she shrieked at the pain. "They're your family, too!"

"Then you should know exactly why." Even at her pain, she smiled evilly, and my finger was so close to pulling the trigger again, but as soon as I heard the sirens, Alex pulled me away.

"Don't do it, she's not worth it. Not this time." Alex muttered, and I pulled my gun back and headed into the family room. My grandparents left, probably bolted, and Abby and her family left as well, but Uncle Mark and Aunt Alice were still here, as well as my parents, who were talking in the corner of the room, Mom looking absolutely terrified.

"Are you two okay?" Uncle Mark asked, and we nodded. "Good, now I have to ask, why do you two have guns!?"

"Work allows us to." I answered almost immediately, but I froze because they didn't know, and our cover jobs are different.

"I don't understand. I don't understand why your jobs would let you have guns, you don't work anywhere dangerous." Aunt Alice whimpered, but slowly inched to her son to hug him. "I'm just so glad you're okay."

"I might have to call them later and ask them why they permit it." Uncle Mark stated, but I let Alex handle them as I went over to my parents.

"Where are Phillip and Eric?" I asked after looking around, seeing that they weren't there.

"Abby took them." Mom replied, still shaking. "I just can't believe this happened."

"I know, me neither, but I can promise I'm not letting it happen again." Dad promised, hugging her gently. "She's not coming near my family again."

"But she is family." Mom stated, a tear rolling down her face, "I don't know why she wanted to hurt us."

"She didn't want to hurt us, she wanted to kill me." Dad corrected, shaking his head. "That's all she wanted to do."

"Why does she want to kill you?" I asked worriedly, hearing her groan in the dining room. "I mean, she may hate you, but killing is something extreme."

"She blames me for your grandfather dying." Dad answered, "Because I took your mother away from that household before she got hurt anymore. After that, she was an absolute wreck."

"She was." Mom agreed, wiping her face and sniffling. "The police and ambulance are here, we should go talk to them."

"Yeah." Dad agreed, and turned to me. "Belle, Alex, go somewhere else. It doesn't matter where, just not here."

"I'm going with my parents." Alex informed, "Belle, are you going to join?"

"You know, I think I'm going to go with my brothers." I lied, following them outside as they climbed into their car and I climbed into mine. I waved to them as I headed down the street, but stopped at the corner to call Adam.

"Hello?" He answered as he picked it up after the fourth ring.

"Hey Adam, it's me. Can I come over?" I replied quickly.

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